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单词 truck
释义  Related topics: Trains & railways, Bicycles, carts, horsesldoce_343_ftruck1 /trʌk/ ●●● S2 W3 noun [countable]  1  TTRa large road vehicle used to carry goods 货车,卡车 SYN British English lorry a truck driver 卡车司机pick-up/fork-lift/delivery etc truck (=large vehicles used for particular purposes) 小货车/叉车/送货车等 His car was taken away on the back of a breakdown truck. 他的车被装在牵引车后面运走了。 →5  See picture of breakdown truck BrE 【英】/towtruck AmE 【美】牵引车, pick-up truck AmE 【美】小货车, fork-lift truck 叉车 ... →4  See picture of 见图 truck2  British EnglishTTT a railway vehicle that is part of a train and carries goods 〔铁路的〕货车,运货车皮 SYN American English car coal trucks 运煤货车3. TTBa simple piece of equipment on wheels used to move heavy objects 手推车,手拉车4. have/hold/want no truck with somebody/something AVOIDto refuse to be involved with someone or to accept an idea 拒不与某人打交道/拒不接受某个观点Examples from the Corpustruck• Why would a family minivan be called a truck?• Corporal Pocock found a rifle and hid by the wheel of a truck.• There was a truck parked in front of the quarry.• a garbage truck• You can borrow my truck to go to the store.• I did not want to be sitting in my truck, waiting for a wolf to come by.• There was an odd-shaped room, not a lot bigger than the cab of the truck itself.• Branches scraping the truck again, a grinding downshift into first: and the truck jarring itself over dirt.• The truck purred along the road, with the other truck following it.truck driver• Yes, my father is a truck driver.• The sailor was by then a truck driver.• Such as I was a truck driver, but I kept getting lost.• Fork truck driver not looking where going. 24.• The truck driver leaned out the window and asked where they wanted their ocean.• The truck driver survived with injuries, firemen said.• Also patron of bachelors, bus drivers, motorists, travelers, truck drivers; he is invoked against nightmares.• John Heredia is a hard-working truck driver, father of nine and a Little League coach.truck2 verb American English  1  [transitive] (also truck in)TTR to take something somewhere by truck 用货[卡]车装运 They ordered sand to be trucked in from the desert. 他们命人从沙漠运来沙子。2  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] spokenGO to go, move, or travel quickly 〔快速地〕去,移动,行进 We were trucking on down to Jack’s place. 我们正往杰克家赶。3. get trucking spokenLEAVE A PLACE to leave 离开,上路4. keep on trucking spokenCONTINUE/NOT STOP used to encourage someone to continue what they are doing, especially in the 1970s 继续干,加油〔鼓励某人继续做某事,尤用于20世纪70年代〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustruck• Some Texas ranchers are having hay trucked in from Colorado.• We truck through deserted commuter villages.From Longman Business Dictionarytrucktruck1 /trʌk/ noun [countable]TRANSPORT1a large road vehicle used to carry goodsSYN BrE lorry2British English a railway vehicle that is part of a train and carries goodsSYN AmE carcoal truckstrucktruck2 verb [transitive] American EnglishTRANSPORT to take something somewhere by truckCrude oil would be imported on tankers and trucked to the pipeline. —trucking noun [uncountable]The company has operations in trucking and air freight.→ See Verb tableOrigin truck1 1. (1700-1800) truck “small wheel” ((17-21 centuries)), probably from Latin trochus “circular iron band”, from Greek trochos “wheel”2. (1800-1900) truck “exchange, barter, communication” ((16-19 centuries)), from truck “to barter” ((13-19 centuries)), from Old French troquertruck1 nountruck2 verbChinese  used to a carry vehicle goods Corpus Business large road




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