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单词 trio
释义  tri·o /ˈtriːəʊ $ ˈtriːoʊ/ noun (plural trios) [countable]  1  GROUP OF PEOPLEGROUP OF THINGSa group of three people or things 三人一组;三件一套trio of He was met by a trio of smiling executives. 迎接他的是三位面带笑容的主管。 a classical guitar trio (=three musicians playing together) 古典吉他三重奏组2. a piece of music for three performers 三重唱(曲);三重奏(曲) → duet1, quartetExamples from the Corpustrio• A trio of rickety buses takes us to our floating hotel, the Hatshepsut.• A trio of six-foot transvestites blow kisses in their direction.• Since then he has led a series of fine trios and quartets.• Unconfirmed word on the street is that the trio will be performing on Wednesday, August 20, at the Club Congress.• The trio have clocked up more than 100 years of local authority service between them.• But his other friend, the third in their trio, was gone.trio of• an interesting trio of poemsOrigin trio (1700-1800) French Italian, from tri- (from Latin; → TRI-)tri·o nounChineseSyllable  things a or Corpus three people group of




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