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单词 tray
释义  Related topics: Daily lifeldoce_339_etray /treɪ/ ●●○ S3 noun [countable]  1  Da flat piece of plastic, metal, or wood, with raised edges, used for carrying things such as plates, food etc 盘,托盘 The waiter brought drinks on a tray. 服务员用托盘端来饮料。 →5  See picture of in tray 收件盘, paint tray 油漆盘, ice cube tray 冰格 ... →4  See picture of 见图 tray2  Ba flat open container with three sides used for holding papers, documents etc on a desk 〔办公桌上存放文件等的〕公文盘,格子in tray (=for holding documents you still have to deal with) 〔放置待处理文件的〕收文盘out tray (=for holding documents you have dealt with) 〔放置已处理文件的〕发文盘3  especially British English a flat open container with four sides used for holding certain things 〔各种用途的〕浅盘 a cat litter tray 猫砂盘seed tray (=a tray in which you plant seeds) 育苗盘 → baking tray, system trayExamples from the Corpustray• The door opened and Jenkins entered carrying a tray.• We had tomato soup for dinner, followed by roast beef and sago pudding, served airline-style on a tray.• She heard Stephen order Sally to take a tray upstairs to Mrs Winters and she said nothing.• Water Grill's dessert tray beckons!• If bulbs look shrivelled when unpacked, immerse in trays of damp peat until plumped out.• There are many more, including wheelchairs, sticks, commodes, special non-slip trays, and bath seats.• The tray was heavy with food and drinks.seed tray• Because polyanthus are more difficult to germinate, start them off in seed trays or pots in a greenhouse or cold frame.• Use a small split cane the width of the seed tray to make a series of depressions in the levelled compost.Origin tray Old English trig, tregtray nounChinese  or flat wood, Corpus of with a plastic, metal, piece raised




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