随便看 |
- work under the umbrella of sth
- work unsocial hours
- work up
- work up to
- work up to something
- work up to sth
- work/weave your magic
- workweek
- work wonders
- work your arse off
- work your ass off
- work your butt/ass/arse off
- work your butt off
- work your fingers to the bone
- work your guts out
- work your magic
- work yourself into a
- work yourself into a frenzy
- work yourself into a frenzy/panic/state etc
- work yourself into a panic
- work yourself into a state
- work yourself into the ground
- work your way
- work your way something
- work your way sth
- Make bold
- Pumpkin pie
- Inserted
- Hurling
- Marvell
- On the strength of
- Christen
- Out of temper
- Ora
- Openhearted
- 人到无所顾惜时,君父之尊不能使之严,鼎镬之威不能使之惧,千言万语不能使之喻,虽圣人亦无如之何也已。圣人知其然也,每养其体面,体其情私,而不使至于无所顾惜。
- 人到无求品自高
- 人到自家没奈自家何时,便可恸哭。
- 人前吃亏,人后得福
- 人力不滋培,栋梁安得具。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 人化鳖》简析
- 人单势孤·寡不敌众是什么意思
- 人去不中留。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 人去楼空的意思,人去楼空造句
- 人受谏,则圣;木受绳,则直;金受砺,则利。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 人口原理
- 人口浪潮:人口变迁如何塑造现代世界
- 人口论
- 人只是心不放肆,便无过差;只是心不怠忽,便无遗忘。
- 人只是怕当局,当局者之十,不足以当旁观者之五。智虑以得失而昏也,胆气以得失而夺也,只没了得失心,则志气舒展。此心与旁观者一般,何事不济?
- Long-legged句子
- Rosy-cheeked句子
- Small cap句子
- Batting句子
- Screwing句子
- Crop out句子
- Curly-haired句子
- Arrowhead句子
- Snitcher句子
- Without ceremony句子
- Religiosity句子
- Equipotential句子
- Celebrant句子
- Crosier句子
- Offertory句子