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单词 transition
释义  tran·si·tion1 /trænˈzɪʃən, -ˈsɪ-/ ●●○ W3 AWL noun [countable, uncountable]  formalCHANGE FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER when something changes from one form or state to another 过渡;转变,变迁transition from something to something the smooth transition from full-time work to full retirement 从全职工作到完全退休的顺利过渡 Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful. 从青少年过渡到成年有时是一个非常痛苦的过程。 a society that is in transition (=changing) 一个正在转型的社会 the period of transition to full democracy 向全面民主的过渡时期n COLLOCATIONSadjectivessmooth (=happening without any problems)There were some difficulties in achieving a smooth transition to independence.peacefulWe all wish to see a peaceful transition.gradualElections will be held in the course of a gradual transition from military to civilian rule.difficult/painfulShe has had to make the difficult transition from child actor to adult star.verbsmake the transitionThe biggest problem will be making the transition from one system to the other.transition + NOUNa transition period/a period of transitionThe major industrial nations are in a period of transition.a transition process/a process of transitionHe will deal with any problems that might arise during the transition process.Examples from the Corpustransition• You need a better transition between the second and third paragraphs.• The textile industry is currently in transition.• It seems to have been a religion that was in transition, which may explain some startling contradictions or apparent contradictions.• The new system will be introduced gradually over a six month transition period.• Except for Aunt Pat, my transition to city life was a series of agonies.• Mid-1945 was an important period of transition for him.• It's difficult for someone who's been a stage actor to make the transition to television.• a scheme to help families making the transition from welfare to work• For most people, the transition from infection to overt illness takes from six to ten years.• I resolved that the transition should be a smooth one.• Where the transitions were more subtle, as in changing cultural conceptions among the literati, the Jesuits were less successful.• The transition is even more painful if interest rates happen to be rising at the time.• The transition from a communist system to a free market economy will be difficult.transition from something to something• Conran's transition from manufacturing to retailing was a gradual process.• He made a successful transition from selling religion to selling cars.• Adjustment was difficult and the transition from a rural to an inner-city setting was hardest for women.• Joan found the transition from sanctuary to Tower wholly satisfactory.• The carrier system plays a major role in the first step in the transition from analog to digital capabilities.• The transition from dualism to monism is painful.transition2 verb [intransitive]  to change to a new state or start using something new 过渡;转变transition to/into He will transition to his new role next month. 下个月他将转换成新角色。From Longman Business Dictionarytransitiontran‧si‧tion /trænˈzɪʃən, -ˈsɪ-/ noun [countable, uncountable] formal the act or process of changing from one state or form to anotherThe computer company went through a difficulttransition period.Three directors are expected to retire after themanagement transitions are completed.Schools have a professional responsibility to offer guidance to young people in transition to work.tran·si·tion1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1transition2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus Business changes or something one from form when




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