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单词 transcribe
释义  Related topics: Linguistics, Music, Recordingtran·scribe /trænˈskraɪb/ verb [transitive]  1  WRITEto write down something exactly as it was said 〔逐字逐句〕记录,记下〔所说的话〕 A secretary transcribed the witnesses’ statements. 一名书记员记录下证人的陈述。2  COPYto write an exact copy of something 誊写,抄写 He had been asked to transcribe an ancient manuscript. 他被要求抄写一本古代手稿。3. technicalSL to represent speech sounds with phonetic symbols 标注〔音标〕4  formalSL to change a piece of writing into the alphabet of another language 把…转成另一种语言transcribe something into something The book has been transcribed into braille. 这本书已转换成盲文。5  APMto arrange a piece of music for a different instrument or voice 改编〔一首乐曲,使其适于其他乐器演奏或其他声部演唱〕transcribe something for something a piece transcribed for piano 为钢琴演奏改编的一首乐曲6. TCRCOPY technical to copy recorded music, speech etc from one system to another, for example from tape to CD 复制,转录〔音乐、演讲等,如从录音带转换成光盘〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustranscribe• The phone conversations were transcribed and sent to the FBI.• Tens of thousands of pages of testimony were transcribed at a cost of $ 2. 50 a page.• Fleck has transcribed Bach for the banjo.• Not that Vea merely transcribed every memory and called it a novel.• The conversation had been transcribed into phonetic script.• Secretaries were busy transcribing medical records.• I go back, and this time I find my way into nondescript offices below ground where priests are transcribing notes.• I also got really specific about the phrasing and how I could transcribe that on to the guitar.• I record my business letters, and my secretary transcribes them.• One copy should be used for transcribing your notes as previously discussed.Origin transcribe (1500-1600) Latin transcribere, from scribere “to write”tran·scribe verbChineseSyllable  to was as Corpus down exactly said it write something




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