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单词 touching
释义 Word family  noun touch untouchable adjective touched untouched touching touchy untouchable verb touch adverb touchingly  touch·ing1 /ˈtʌtʃɪŋ/ ●○○ adjective  EMOTIONALmaking you feel pity, sympathy, sadness etc 令人同情的;感人的,动人的 a touching reunion of father and son 感人的父子团聚 —touchingly adverb → touch1(4)Examples from the Corpustouching• He remembered the shoulders, narrow, somehow touching.• Ships steamed, highways snaked, houses clustered, all, from this height, orderly, and in their smallness touching.• He found her solicitude touching but Modigliani dismissed her, calling her a milksop.• Suddenly the humour, the absurd, tender, touching poetry of the whole thing, made me smile.• It was a touching scene when old Mr Adams received his leaving present.• It was touching to see them together. They were obviously still in love after thirty years of marriage.• Fox gave a touching tribute to his late father.touching2 preposition formal  ABOUTconcerning 涉及,关于,有关 matters touching the conduct of diplomacy 涉及处理外交关系的事务Examples from the Corpustouching• Feingold will give evidence touching on the current case.touch·ing1 adjectivetouching2 prepositionChineseSyllable  etc you sadness sympathy, making Corpus pity, feel




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