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单词 touch
释义 Word family  noun touch untouchable adjective touched untouched touching touchy untouchable verb touch adverb touchingly  touch1 /tʌtʃ/ ●●● S2 W2 verb  1  feel 触摸 [transitive]TOUCH to put your hand, finger etc on someone or something 〔手或手指等〕触摸,碰 She reached out to touch his arm. 她伸手去碰他的胳膊。 If your house has been burgled, you shouldn’t touch anything until the police arrive. 如果家中被盗,在警察赶到之前不要动任何物品。 ‘Don’t touch me!’ she yelled. “别碰我!”她大叫道。touch somebody on the arm/leg etc A hand touched her on the shoulder. 有一只手碰了一下她的肩膀。2  no space between 当中没有空间 [intransitive, transitive]TOUCH if two things touch, or one thing touches another thing, they reach each other so that there is no space between them 触碰;触及;接触 As our glasses touched, he said ‘Cheers!’ 我们的酒杯相碰时,他说了声:“干杯!” Her dress was so long that it was touching the ground. 她的裙子很长,都拖到地上了。n GRAMMAR: Reciprocal verbsTouch is a reciprocal verb. This type of verb is used when saying that two or more people or things do something that involves both or all of them. It does not need to have an object: Their hands touched. In this sentence, touch is intransitive and does not have an object.You can also say: Their hands touched each other.His hand touched hers. In these sentences, touch is transitive.3  touch something to something literary to move something so that it reaches something else with no space between the two things 把某物贴着某物 She touched the handkerchief to her nose. 她用手帕贴住鼻子。 He touched his lips to her hair. 他亲吻着她的头发。4  affect SB’s feelings 影响某人的感情 [transitive]EFFECT/INFLUENCE to affect someone’s emotions, especially by making them feel sympathy or sadness 感动,触动,打动 Her plight has touched the hearts of people around the world. 她的困境触动了全世界人的心弦。 She could sense his concern and it touched her. 她感到了他的关心,心里很感动。 → touched, touching15  have an effect 产生影响 [transitive]EFFECT/INFLUENCE to have an effect on someone or something, especially by changing or influencing them 对…有影响 He has touched the lives of many people. 他影响了很多人的生活。 Unemployment remains an evil that touches the whole community. 失业一直是影响整个社会的祸害。 He was often touched by doubt (=doubt affected him). 他经常疑神疑鬼。6  use 使用TOUCH [transitive usually in negatives] to use or handle something 使用;触,摸,拿 The law doesn’t allow him to touch any of the money. 法律不允许他动用一分钱。 It’s a long time since I’ve touched a piano. 我已有很长时间没碰过钢琴了。7  not touch something a) to not eat or drink something 不吃;不喝 What’s wrong? You’ve hardly touched your food. 怎么了?你都没怎么碰你的食物。 My grandfather was an alcoholic but I never touch the stuff (=never drink alcohol). 我祖父是个酒鬼,但我滴酒不沾。 b) to not deal with something that you should deal with 未处理应处理之事 I brought home loads of work, but I haven’t touched any of it yet. 我带了一大堆工作回家,但到现在为止还一点也没碰。8  not touch somebody/something HURT/CAUSE PAINto not hurt someone or not damage something 不伤害某人/不损坏某物 The older boys swore they hadn’t touched the child. 那些大一点的男孩子发誓说没碰过那个小孩。 Parma had not been touched. 帕马没有受到伤害。9  deal with SB/STH 处理某人/某事 [transitive]DEAL WITH to become involved with or deal with a particular problem, situation, or person 参与;处理 He was the only lawyer who would touch the case. 他是唯一愿意接手此案的律师。 Everything he touches turns to disaster. 什么事一经他的手就糟糕。 No school would touch a teacher who had been convicted of assault. 没有一所学校愿意雇用一个犯过人身侵犯罪的老师。10  reach an amount 达到某个数量 [transitive] especially British English to reach a particular amount or level 达到一定数量 [水平] At the time, the unemployment rate was touching 10 percent and rising. 当时,失业率达到了10%,而且还在上升。11  hit/kick 打/踢 [transitive] British English to gently hit or kick a ball – used especially in reports of sports games 轻触〔球〕,轻碰〔球;尤用于体育比赛的报道中〕 Evans was just able to touch the ball away from Wilkinson. 埃文斯刚好能够把球从威尔金森脚下踢开。12  not touch something/somebody (with a bargepole) British English, not touch something/somebody with a ten-foot pole American EnglishAVOID used to say that you think someone or something is bad and people should not be involved with them 决不与某事/某人有任何牵连;千万不要与某事/某人有瓜葛 I wouldn’t touch him with a bargepole. 我不想和他有任何牵连。 Financial analysts have warned investors not to touch these offers with a ten-foot pole. 财经分析家告诫投资者千万不要理会这些提议。13  be touched with something literary to have a small amount of a particular quality 略微带点…,轻微呈现… His voice was touched with the faintest of Italian accents. 他说话略微带一点意大利口音。 Her nails had been manicured and lightly touched with colour. 她的指甲修剪得整整齐齐,还涂了淡淡的颜色。14  expression 表情 [transitive]EXPRESS if an expression such as a smile touches your face, your face has that expression for a short time 〔笑容等〕在〔脸上〕闪现,掠过 A smile touched her lips. 她的嘴边掠过一丝笑意。15  relate to STH 关系到某事物 [transitive]ABOUT to be about or to deal with a particular subject, situation, or problem 涉及,关系到 Though the question touched a new vein, Nelson answered promptly. 尽管这个问题涉及一个新的层面,纳尔逊还是迅速作了回答。 The discourse touches many of the issues which are currently popular. 这篇论文涉及很多时下热门的话题。16  light 光 [transitive] literary if light touches something, it shines on it 〔光〕照到 The sun was just touching the tops of the mountains. 太阳刚刚照到山顶。17  nothing/no one can touch somebody/something COMPAREused for saying that nothing or no one is as good as a particular person or thing 没有什么/没有人能比得上某人/某事物 He describes the events with a passion that no other writer can touch. 他以一种其他作家都无法比拟的热情描述了这些事件。18  touch base (with somebody) to talk to someone in order to find out how they are or what is happening (与某人)交谈〔以得知某人的状态或发生了什么事〕 I just wanted to touch base and make sure you hadn’t changed your mind about seeing me. 我只是想问问,确认你没有改变主意不想见我。19  touch bottom a) HEOto reach the ground at the bottom of a sea, river etc 触到水底 He swam down but could not touch bottom. 他潜下水,但是碰不到底。 b) WORSEto reach the lowest level or worst condition 达到最低点;落到最坏的地步 The housing market has touched bottom. 住宅市场已到最低谷。 → touch a (raw) nerve at nerve1(6), → touch wood at wood(3) THESAURUStouch to put your fingers or hand onto someone or something for a very short time 触摸,碰Don’t touch the iron – it’s hot! 不要碰熨斗——很烫!feel to touch something with your fingers in order to find out about it 感知,感觉Feel how soft this material is. 摸摸看,这面料非常柔软。I felt his forehead. It was cold. 我摸了一下他的额头,很凉。handle to touch something and pick it up and hold it in your hands 触;拿Children should always wash their hands before handling food. 小孩子一定要先洗手再拿食物。The glass was very fragile, and she handled it with great care. 这玻璃杯很容易碎,她小心翼翼地拿着。nPlease do not handle the merchandise.finger to touch or handle something with your fingers, especially while you are thinking of other things 〔用手指〕触摸〔尤在想别的事情时〕She fingered the heavy necklace around her neck. 她拨弄着脖子上沉甸甸的项链。rub to move your hand over a surface while pressing it 揉擦Bob rubbed his eyes and yawned. 鲍勃揉揉眼睛,打了个哈欠。scratch to rub part of your body with your nails, often because it itches 搔The dog kept scratching its ear. 那条狗不停地搔耳朵。Bob scratched his head thoughtfully. 鲍勃若有所思地搔搔脑袋。tickle to move your fingers lightly over someone’s body in order to make them laugh 挠痒痒The baby giggled as I tickled him. 我挠小宝宝痒痒,他咯咯直笑。grope to touch someone’s body in a sexual way when they do not want to be touched 猥亵,触摸nThe officer was accused of groping several women in his platoon.touch somebody gently or lovingly 轻轻地或充满爱意地触碰某人stroke to move your hand gently over something, especially in a loving way 轻抚She stroked the child’s hair. 她捋了捋那个小孩的头发。Our cat won’t let people stroke him. 我家的猫不让人家摸它。pat to touch an animal or child lightly several times, with your hand flat 轻拍He knelt down to pat the dog. 他跪下来轻轻地拍拍那条狗。She patted the little boy’s head. 她轻轻拍了拍小男孩的脑袋。pet to touch and move your hand gently over someone, especially an animal or child 亲密接触,抚摸〔动物或小孩〕The goats, pigs, sheep, and cows here allow you to pet them. 这里的山羊、猪、绵羊和牛都可以让你亲密接触。caress /kəˈres/ to gently touch a part of someone’s body in a loving way 爱抚a mother caressing her child 抚摸着自己孩子的母亲She caressed his cheek. 她抚摸着他的脸颊。fondle to touch a part of someone’s body in a loving or sexual way – use this especially about touching someone in a sexual way that is not wanted 抚摸〔尤指对方不情愿〕He tried to fondle her and she immediately pulled away from him. 他试图摸她,她立即挣脱开来。 PHRASAL VERBS20 touch down phrasal verb a) TTAARRIVEwhen an aircraft touches down, it lands on the ground 〔飞机等〕降落,着陆 The plane finally touched down at Heathrow airport around midday. 中午左右,飞机终于在希思罗机场降落。b) in the sport of rugby, to score by putting the ball on the ground behind the other team’s goal line 〔英式橄榄球运动中,在对方球门线后〕持球触地得分21 touch somebody for something phrasal verb British English informal BORROWto persuade someone to give or lend you something, especially money 向…要…,劝说…借…〔尤指钱〕 He tried to touch me for the taxi fare home. 他试图问我要回家的出租车费。22 touch something ↔ off phrasal verb START something/MAKE something STARTto cause a difficult situation or violent events to begin 使产生〔困境〕;引发〔暴力事件〕 It was these national rivalries that eventually touched off the First World War. 正是国家之间的这些敌对行为最终引发了第一次世界大战。23 touch on/upon something phrasal verb DEAL WITHto mention a particular subject when talking or writing 谈及,提及 The report touches on the relationship between poverty and poor health. 报告论及贫困和健康状况不良之间的关系。 These issues were touched on in Chapter 2. 这些问题在第2章中谈到了。24 touch somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb a) IMPROVEto improve something by changing it slightly or adding a little more to it 修改,改进,润色 She quickly touched up her lipstick. 她很快地补了补唇膏。 The photograph had obviously been touched up. 这张照片明显被修饰过。 The speech he finally gave had been touched up by his staff. 他最后所作的演讲经过了手下的润色。b) British English informal to touch someone in a sexual way when they do not want you to 猥亵,触摸 He was accused of touching up one of his students. 他被控猥亵他的一名学生。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustouch• Make sure the wires do not touch.• Put the cards face down on the table so that the edges are touching.• This is because the contacts bounce as they touch.• He drew me closer until our bodies were touching.• Yesterday, the dollar touched a seventeen-week high of 1.4748 marks.• The soft touching and smooching stirred him back to life.• Every business Gibbons touches becomes successful.• For room service, touch button 9.• The pictures touched everyone present.• He gently touched her hand and smiled.• Something outside her, mysterious and huge, put out a kindly exploring hand and touched her.• Their insults and criticism never seemed to touch him.• It had lasted longer, but then she had still been touching him.• "What are you thinking?" she asked, touching his arm.• He touched his bandaged wound where the shaved hair had started to grow back.• A slight grin touched his face when he was told the news.• I cut my knee last week, and it still hurts if I touch it.• Don't let the wires touch or you'll get a very bad shock.• Wash your hands thoroughly after touching raw meat.• Don't touch that - the paint is still wet.• Quickly he went to the wall safe at the far end of the room and touched the combination.• Theresa could touch the floor with her feet.• Barry never lets anyone touch the piano.• Don't touch the plates - they're hot!• The plane touched the speed of sound in a power dive.• The plane came down so low that it's wings touched the trees.• They rolled up when I touched them, and tickled my fingers with their tiny legs.• I'm sorry - I didn't mean to touch your sore arm.touch somebody on the arm/leg etc• As soon as he'd gone, Reggie touched me on the arm.• Cranston touched him on the arm and pointed to the far corner, just past the huge gateway.touched the hearts• George Burns' sense of timing and captivating smile touched the hearts and funny bones of more than three generations.• Her words touched the hearts and minds of the students.• Their story touched the hearts of millions of our readers-and we were determined to do what we could to help.• Her plight touched the hearts of people around the world who raised £650,000 for her to undergo surgery in Pennsylvania.was ... touched by• Sethe was deeply touched by her sweet name; the remembrance of glittering headstone made her feel especially kindly toward her.• Miguel was touched by his concern but not carried away with thoughts of brother love.• I was touched by the concern.• The rector was touched by the feeling of the softly worn covers against his palm.• I was touched by the good wishes of the crew when I went ashore.• He was touched by the sight, and felt suddenly tender towards Tessa.• Her heart was touched by what the duchess had offered her and by what had been asked of herself in return.Related topics: Humantouch2 ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  touching SB/STH 触碰某人/某物 [countable usually singular]TOUCH the action of putting your hand, finger, or another part of your body on something or someone 触摸,碰 She felt a gentle touch on her shoulder. 她感到有人轻轻碰了一下她的肩膀。touch of He remembered the touch of her fingers on his face. 他还记得她的手指抚摸他脸的感觉。2  ability to feel things 触觉 [uncountable]HBHTOUCH the sense that you use to discover what something feels like, by putting your hand or fingers on it 触觉 the sense of touch 触觉by touch Visually impaired people orient themselves by touch. 视力受损的人通过触觉确定方位。 Bake the cake for 30 minutes until risen and firm to the touch. 蛋糕要烤30分钟,直到膨起来并且摸上去变硬。3  in touch (with somebody) talking or writing to someone 〔谈话或写信〕(与某人)取得联系 We’ll get in touch (=start talking or writing to you) as soon as we know the results of the test. 我们一得知测试结果就和你联系。 Can I have your phone number in case I need to get in touch with you? 你能告诉我你的电话号码吗?万一我需要联系你呢。 Bye. I’ll be in touch. 再见,我会和你联系的。 Are you still in touch with John (=are you talking to him regularly)? 你和约翰还联系吗? I’m in close touch with Anna. 我和安娜联系密切。stay/keep in touch (=keep writing or talking, even though you do not see each other often) 保持联系 Anyway, we must stay in touch. 无论如何,我们必须保持联系。 I met him when I worked in Madrid, and I’ve kept in touch with him ever since. 我是在马德里工作时认识他的,从那以后,我和他一直保持着联系。 I lost touch with (=stopped writing or talking to) Julie after we moved. 我们搬家后,我就和朱莉失去了联系。 I can put you in touch with a local photography club (=give you their address or phone number so you can talk to them). 我可以让你联系当地的一家摄影俱乐部。n USAGE: In touch, in contact• If you stay/keep in touch or keep in contact with someone, you keep writing to them or calling them: I hope you'll keep in touch while you're away. • If two things are in contact or come into contact, they touch each other: Make sure that the two wires don't come into contact. ✗Don’t say in touch in this meaning.4  be/keep/stay etc in touch (with something) to have the latest information or knowledge about something 了解(某事物的)最新情况[知识] A regular newsletter keeps people in touch with local events. 定期新闻简讯可以让人们了解当地时事。 The speech was good and you felt he was in touch with people’s needs. 这个演讲不错,能看出他了解人们的需求。 Rescuers were kept in touch through radio links. 通过无线电和营救人员保持联络。 A head-teacher needs to remain in close touch with teachers’ everyday concerns. 校长应该及时了解教师们平时关心的问题。5  be out of touch a) (also lose touch (with something)) to not have the latest knowledge about a subject, situation, or the way people feel 不了解(某事),(对某事)很生疏be out of touch with I’m out of touch with modern medicine. 我不懂现代医学。 The party cannot afford to lose touch with political reality. 政党不能不了解政治现实。 b) to not know much about modern life 不了解现代生活,脱离时代 Judges are often accused of being out of touch. 法官们经常被人指责脱离时代。6  get in touch with something especially American English to realize and understand something such as your feelings and attitudes 认识到某事物,了解某事物〔如自己的情感、态度等〕 The first stage is to get in touch with your perceptions and accept responsibility for your relationships. 首先要搞清自己的想法,对你们的恋情承担起责任。7  detail/addition 细节/补充 [countable]DETAIL a small detail that improves or completes something 〔细节上的〕润色,修饰,点缀put the final/finishing touches to something Emma was putting the finishing touches to the cake. 埃玛在对蛋糕进行最后的修饰。 There was a vase of flowers in the room, which was a nice touch. 房间里有一瓶花,是个很好的点缀。 Brass pans added a decorative touch to the plain brick wall. 铜锅给单调的砖墙增加了些许装饰。8  way of doing STH 做某事的方式 [countable]WAY/MANNER a particular way of doing something, or the ability to do it in a particular way 手法,风格,技巧 The room was decorated with a very artistic touch. 房间装饰得很有艺术气息。 Our staff combine efficient service with a personal touch (=they do things in a friendly way). 我们的员工既有高效的服务,又有亲切的态度。 The feminine touch was evident throughout the house. 整座房子都透着女性气息。 His sure touch (=confident way of doing things) and attention to detail are just as evident now. 他现在还是那样从容自信、一丝不苟。 Barbara has a magic touch in the garden (=she grows things very well). 芭芭拉干园艺活的本领可谓神奇。 King obviously hasn’t lost his touch (=lost his ability) – his latest book sold in the millions. 金显然文才不减当年——他的新书销量数百万册。9  a touch of something LITTLE/NOT MUCHa small amount of something 少量某物,一点某物 Our furniture is guaranteed to add a touch of class to your bedroom. 我们的家具肯定能为您的卧室增添一些品位。 Add a lace top for a touch of glamour. 再穿上一件蕾丝上衣会更迷人。 ‘What?’ asked Hazel, with a touch of irritation. “什么?”黑兹尔语带怒气地问道。10  a touch disappointed/faster/impatient etc LITTLE/NOT VERYslightly disappointed, faster etc 有点失望/加快/不耐烦等 He sounded a touch upset when I spoke to him on the phone. 我和他通电话的时候,他听起来有点生气。11  with/at the touch of a button/key used to emphasize that something can be done very easily by pressing a button 按一下按钮/键就行 This card allows you to access your money at the touch of a button. 这张卡可以让你轻触一个按钮就能取到钱。 You can get all the latest information with the touch of a button. 只要按一下按钮,你就可以得到所有最新信息。12. a soft/easy touch informal if someone is a soft or an easy touch, you can easily persuade them to do what you want, especially give you money 〔尤指在钱方面〕好说话的人,有求必应的人13  way STH feels 某物的触感 [countable usually singular] the way that something feels and the effect it has on your skin 触感 the warm touch of his lips 他唇上温热的触感14  soccer/rugby 足球/英式橄榄球 [uncountable] the area outside the lines that mark the playing area 边线以外的区域into touch The ball rolled into touch. 球滚出了边线。 → common touch at common1(13), → a/the human touch at human1(5), → kick something into touch at kick1(11), → lose your touch at lose(1), → magic touch at magic2(5), → Midas touch, → a soft touch at soft(17)Examples from the Corpustouch• Chance, coupled with rebellion and a touch of laziness.• He felt a touch on his shoulder and saw it was Mrs. Lyden.• Reid has a good touch for shooting the ball.• Well, that couldn't last, because I'd found my touch, right?• The ice caves add a nice touch to what could have been a typical roller coaster.• If the average middle class white schoolchild is out of touch with the literary standard, the minority child is doubly so.• Great service and a friendly staff give the hotel a personal touch.• Despite the tight squeeze, the office has graced Borrego Springs with a personal touch over the decades.• The soft touch of a clean cotton shirt was comforting.• The affected areas look like orange-peel and are cold to the touch.• A small neat iron bed with a shabby well-washed coverlet had one lumpy pillow and sheets which were hard to the touch.• With the touch of a wrong button, she could ruin the whole program.sense of touch• Nocturnal spiders, on the other hand, depend largely on an extremely delicate sense of touch to find their prey.• It is invisible once applied and users retain full sense of touch and natural mobility of hands.• My hearing is painfully acute, and my sense of touch and smell quite profound.• Millions of years of evolution have equipped us to delicately manipulate our environment through our sense of touch.• This is a natural outgrowth of the sense of touch.• He realized that the sense of touch is concentrated in the fingertips.• On the first day, concentrate only on your sense of touch.• Then, at the end of the day, write about five hundred words through your sense of touch.put the final/finishing touches to something• We can put the finishing touches to your programme.• The band are currently putting the finishing touches to their third album, which should be out early in the summer.• They will spend Valentine's Day putting the final touches to their wedding following a whirlwind telephone romance.• The more exacting you are in putting the finishing touches to the picture, the better the result will be.• With most members of the task force now dismissed, Mr Magaziner is putting the finishing touches to his report.• Over three, perhaps four difficult days they must put the finishing touches to a new treaty.• Meanwhile, Hilary Murphy, who sets the questions, puts the final touches to Bob's board.• Meanwhile paint from Porter will put the finishing touches to an entire village community in the United States.personal touch• Family photos and a clock that tells time backward add a personal touch to the sterile academic atmosphere.• But other customers prefer to write the messages themselves, for more of a personal touch.• Despite the tight squeeze, the office has graced Borrego Springs with a personal touch over the decades.• I think people appreciate that personal touch.• To be successful the hotel will provide a friendly atmosphere, good service and the personal touch.• Steve, a believer in the personal touch, made their day by laying on their favourite drink, chilled Guinness.• Reagan resorted to the personal touch as a matter of instinct and long practice.From Longman Business Dictionarytouchtouch /tʌtʃ/ verb [transitive] touch base (with somebody) to telephone someone you work with, or visit them for a short time, while you are spending time somewhere elseI need to touch base with the office back in Boston.→ See Verb tableOrigin touch1 (1200-1300) Old French tuchier, from Vulgar Latin toccare “to knock, hit a bell, touch”; from the soundtouch1 verb →10-19 →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1 →PHRASAL VERBS1touch2 noun →n USAGE1LDOCE OnlineChinese   Business hand, to put finger on someone etc Corpus your




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