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单词 advertise
释义 Word family  noun advertisement advertiser advertising verb advertise  Related topics: Advertising & marketingad·ver·tise /ˈædvətaɪz $ -ər-/ ●●○ S3 W3 verb [intransitive, transitive]  1  BBAPUBLICIZE/MAKE KNOWNto tell the public about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it (为…)做广告(宣传) They no longer advertise alcohol or cigarettes at sporting events. 他们不再在体育赛事上做烟酒广告了。advertise (something) on television/in a newspaper etc Many companies will only advertise in the Sunday paper. 许多公司只会在周日报纸上刊登广告。be advertised as something The inn is advertised as being from the early 16th century. 据宣传,这家小旅馆建成于16世纪早期。 Colleges and universities have found that it pays to advertise (=advertising brings good results). 大专院校发现做广告效果很好。2  BBAPUBLICIZE/MAKE KNOWNto make an announcement, for example in a newspaper or on a poster, that a job is available, an event is going to happen etc 〔在报纸、海报等上〕征聘,公布 a poster advertising the concert 一张音乐会宣传海报advertise for I see they’re advertising for a new Sales Director. 我看到他们在登广告招聘新的销售主管。3  advertise the fact (that) to let people know something about yourself 宣传〔自己的事〕 Don’t advertise the fact that you’re looking for another job. 不要对外宣扬你正在另找工作。n THESAURUSadvertise verb [intransitive, transitive] to tell people about a product or service and try to persuade them to buy it, for example in a newspaper, television, or Internet advertisementSome universities advertise on television.She has signed a deal to advertise the company's haircare products.promote verb [transitive] to try to increase the sales or popularity of a product or event, for example by selling it at a lower price or talking about it on televisionHe's in London to promote his new verb [transitive] to try to sell a product or service by deciding which type of people are likely to buy it and by making it interesting to themThe collection is being marketed as clothing for climbers and skiers.Most companies have agreed not to market products to children under 12.publicize (also publicise British English) verb [transitive] to tell the public about something by writing about it in newspapers, speaking about it on television etcHe had done a lot of interviews to publicize his new book.The hostages' case has been widely publicized.hype verb [transitive] informal to try to make people think something is good or important by advertising or talking about it a lot on television, the radio etc. Hype is often used when you do not trust the informationThe boxing match was being hyped as the biggest fight of the decade.plug verb [transitive] informal to advertise a book, film etc by talking about it on television or radioMarc was on the show to plug his new play.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusadvertise• Young smokers tend to buy the brands that are most heavily advertised.• There was a big poster advertising a well-known brand of cola.• It pays to advertise and many cleaner species employ dazzling stripes or have characteristic bobbing movements to draw attention to themselves.• The concert was advertised in all the national newspapers.• We are a small business so we can only afford to advertise in the local press.• "How did you find out about the new software?" "It was advertised on TV."• Billboards all over town were advertising the upcoming state fair.• A few neon signs are beginning to appear on the larger buildings advertising the usual Western wares such as Levi jeans.• These companies advertise their products in magazines like Popular advertised as something• Almost any house in East Anglia is likely to be advertised as being located in Constable country.• But while many rugs are advertised as machine washable, it isn't always that easy.• If you continue to buy canvas boards, look for those which are advertised as non-warping.• The redundant building was advertised as a potential business centre, equipped with offices and laboratory space.• This new power to presume guilt of unspecified offences was advertised as a unique response to the unique evil of drug trafficking.advertise for• Billtech is advertising for a marketing manager.From Longman Business Dictionaryadvertisead‧ver‧tise /ˈædvətaɪz-ər-/ verb [intransitive, transitive]1MARKETINGto tell people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy itBeer and wine are both advertised on TV.They were among the most heavily advertised cigarettes in the US.advertise asThe cars are advertised as being more economical to run.2JOBto inform people publicly, for example in a newspaper or magazine, that a job is available and invite them to apply for itadvertise forThey have advertised for two engineers.→ See Verb tableOrigin advertise (1400-1500) Early French advertiss-, stem of advertir; → ADVERTad·ver·tise verb →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus about in Business the product service public or tell a to




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