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单词 topsy-turvy
释义  top·sy-tur·vy /ˌtɒpsi ˈtɜːvi◂ $ ˌtɑːpsi ˈtɜːrvi◂/ adjective informal  DISORGANIZEDin a state of complete disorder or confusion 乱七八糟的,一团糟的 He left his room all topsy-turvy. 他把房间弄得一团糟。Examples from the Corpustopsy-turvy• Molly's topsy-turvy bedroom was heaped with toys, clothes, magazines, and books.• The world had gone topsy-turvy ever since he took on this play.• I was quite ignorant of their lifestyle and topsy-turvy habits.• In one topsy-turvy moment, I leaned down to turn Johnny Walker up and nearly ended up upside down.• But things are turned topsy-turvy right enough.• Ball can look back on a topsy-turvy two years as mayor.• They both show us a topsy-turvy world, a world turned inside-out by the particular lens through which it is viewed.• Yahoo! is the rule, not the exception, in the topsy-turvy world of Internet IPOs.• In the topsy-turvy world of teams and teams of teams, economies of scale are giving way to economies of structure.Origin topsy-turvy (1500-1600) Probably from top + terve “to turn upside down” ((14-16 centuries))top·sy-tur·vy adjectiveChineseSyllable  of a state complete confusion disorder Corpus in or




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