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单词 tootle
释义  Related topics: Outdoor, Musictoot·le /ˈtuːtl/ verb [intransitive] British English informal  1  DLOTTC[always + adverb/preposition] old-fashioned to move slowly in a car 〔驾车〕缓慢地行驶 We spent the afternoon tootling along the coast. 我们下午开着车沿海边缓缓行驶。2  APMto play an instrument that you blow 吹奏乐器 tootling away on a flute 吹着笛子→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustootle• Tell you what, Jacqui and I were thinking of tootling on to the midnight matinee at the Parthenon after this lot.Origin tootle (1800-1900) toottoot·le verbChineseSyllable   to move slowly Corpus car in a




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