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单词 toing and froing
释义  to·ing and fro·ing /ˌtuːɪŋ ən ˈfrəʊɪŋ $ -ˈfroʊ-/ noun [uncountable]  1. BUSY PLACEmovement backwards and forwards many times between two or more places 来来回回,往复多次2  DOa lot of activity that does not help you to do something 瞎忙;忙乱 After much toing and froing, they finally reached a decision. 几经折腾,他们终于作出了决定。Examples from the Corpustoing and froing• Across the Rhine, there is less toing and froing.• This was tedious work, involving, as you can imagine, a great deal of toing and froing on our part.• Meanwhile Mr Gittings' head was obviously beginning to spin from all this toing and·ing and fro·ing nounChineseSyllable  between and many times Corpus backwards forwards movement




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