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单词 tightrope
释义  Related topics: Performingtight·rope /ˈtaɪt-rəʊp $ -roʊp/ noun [countable]  1. APa rope or wire high above the ground that someone walks along in a circus 〔马戏团表演用的〕钢丝,绷索2  walk a tightrope to be in a difficult situation in which something bad could happen if you make a mistake 走钢丝〔比喻处境困难,如有差错就会发生不好的事〕 I feel as though I’m walking a tightrope between success and failure. 我感到自己就像走钢丝一样,在成功与失败之间摇摆。Examples from the Corpustightrope• In the old days he could've swallowed a six-pack in half an hour and then gone out and walked a tightrope.• It's like walking a tightrope in size-15 wellies.• But he's been doing very well at it despite having to learn terrifying new skills, like walking a tightrope.• She and Edwards went first on a two-person, help-your-buddy tightrope walk 30 feet above the ground.• But Blondin had made the horizontal tightrope his own.• The Chancellor had a narrow tightrope to walk and he managed to please a variety of people.• For Farini the Great, the tightrope was only an adventurous way station on a roller-coaster journey through life.tight·rope nounChineseSyllable  ground that or the above someone rope a wire Corpus high




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