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单词 rectum
释义  Related topics: Humanrec·tum /ˈrektəm/ noun (plural rectums or recta /-tə/) [countable] medical  HBHthe lowest part of your bowels 直肠 → rectalExamples from the Corpusrectum• A manual examination has revealed a mass in his rectum.• He suggested I violently introduce a turnip up my rectum because I no longer have the power to hire or fire anybody.• One other patient withdrew from the trial because of development of a painful rectum during radiotherapy.• Cryptosporidium has been detected in the proximal small intestine, the large intestine and the rectum in man.• In a few cases, it may be necessary to look at and take samples from the rectum.• Calibration of the measuring system was done before the insertion of the probe into the rectum.• Digital rectal examination was performed before insertion of the tube to ensure that the rectum was empty.• The rectum was the commonest site of benign strictures, 68% in our study, as in others.Origin rectum (1400-1500) Modern Latin rectum intestinum “straight intestine”rec·tum nounChineseSyllable  bowels Corpus lowest of the part your




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