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单词 thundery
释义  Related topics: Meteorology, Naturethun·der·y /ˈθʌndəri/ adjective  HEMDNthundery weather is the type of weather that comes before a thunderstorm 〔天气〕要打雷的,雷暴前的Examples from the Corpusthundery• These showers will gradually spread east and some may become thundery.• The weather looked heavy and thundery, as if the unseasonable warmth would soon break.• So the atmosphere is very thundery at present, and life is anything but gay.• Between searingly bright periods, the sky boils with thundery clouds that drift on by without releasing a drop.• She hadn't had a headache today, in spite of the thundery heat.• There was a rather thundery purple-grey sky and the big trees were swaying about, like restless tied animals.thun·der·y adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus the thundery that weather type of weather is




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