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单词 threat
释义 Word family  noun threat adjective threatening verb threaten adverb threateningly  threat /θret/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]THREATEN a statement in which you tell someone that you will cause them harm or trouble if they do not do what you want 威胁,恐吓 Your threats don’t scare me. 你的那些威胁吓不倒我。threat of the threat of military invasion 军事入侵的威胁threat from He says his family received phone threats from the group. 他说他的家人接到过这个组织的恐吓电话。 threats made against his wife and children 对他妻儿的威胁 Nichols never carried out his threat to resign. 尼科尔斯威胁过要辞职,但从未付诸行动。 The government will not give in to terrorist threats. 政府不会屈服于恐怖分子的威胁。 She dismissed the statement as an empty threat. 她无视这项声明,认为是个空口威胁。 They warned him with veiled threats not to mention anything he had witnessed. 他们话中有话地威胁他不要提及他所目睹的事。 The police are investigating death threats made against the two men. 警方正在调查针对这两名男子的死亡恐吓。 Officials at the school say they received a bomb threat at approximately 11:30 a.m. today. 学校的官员说他们在今天上午11点半左右收到过炸弹恐吓。2  [countable usually singular]PROBABLY the possibility that something very bad will happen 〔灾难等坏事〕发生的可能threat of the threat of famine 饥荒的威胁threat from According to the Secretary of State, the Russians face no threat from an expanded NATO. 根据国务卿的说法,俄罗斯人不会受北约组织扩张的威胁。under threat The area remains under threat from commercial developers. 该地区仍然受到商业开发商的威胁。be under threat of closure/attack etc (=be likely to be closed, attacked etc) 面临关闭/攻击等的威胁 The program is under threat of closure due to lack of funding. 该方案由于缺少资金,面临终止的威胁。3  [countable usually singular]THREATEN someone or something that is regarded as a possible danger 威胁,可能会带来危险的人[事]threat to The fighting is a major threat to stability in the region. 这场战事对于该地区的稳定是一个很大的威胁。present/pose a threat (to somebody/something) Pollution poses a threat to fish. 污染对鱼类构成威胁。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: a statement in which you tell someone that you will cause them harm or trouble if they do not do what you wantverbsmake/issue a threatNeighbours say that they heard Gardiner make threats against his wife.carry out a threat (=do what you threatened to do)She ought to have carried out her threat to go to the police.give in to a threat (=do what something wants you to do after they threaten you)The government is not going to give in to terrorist threats.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + threat a death threat (=a threat to kill someone)Scientists involved in the research have received death threats.a bomb threatThe station was closed because of a bomb empty/idle threat (=one that is not sincere)She was not a woman to make idle threats.a veiled threat (=one that is not made directly)The emails contained thinly veiled threats of harm.n COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 2 & 3ADJECTIVES/NOUN + threat a serious/major threatBad air quality poses a serious threat to public health.the greatest/biggest threatThe greatest threat to our planet is global warming.a real threatThese measures pose a real threat to the future of agriculture.a potential threatThe group remains a potential threat to the immediate threat (=the possibility that something bad will happen very soon)The volcano erupted on Thursday but there is no immediate threat to nearby towns.a direct threatThe workers destroyed the textile machinery which they saw as a direct threat to their jobs.a military threatEach country regarded the other as a major military threat.a terrorist threatU.S. officials underestimated the terrorist threat before the June 25 bombing.verbspose/present a threatThe rebels do not pose a serious threat to the armed forces.represent a threatHe is not afraid, because you represent no threat to him.counter/combat a threatWe must work together to counter the threat of state terrorism.face a threat (=likely to be affected by something)The factory is facing the threat of a threat (=deal with it)We must transform our armed forces to meet emerging threats.Examples from the Corpusthreat• There is a threat that the violence will break out again.• And there has emerged another threat.• It's nonsense to say that the protesters pose any threat to democratic society.• Tuberculosis is a common threat when people live in crowded conditions.• She claims she received anonymous death threats after she gave evidence in the trial.• The latest outbreak of the disease can be seen as the greatest threat to UK farmers yet.• The contamination does not pose any immediate public health threat because none of the seed has been planted.• He showed no sign of carrying out his threat of making them pay.• He denied making threats to kill her.• The nuclear threat, while not gone completely, is reduced.• Immigrant families in the area have received threats from right-wing extremist groups.• Bad weather is a regular threat.• Global warming poses a serious threat for the future.• After the floods, contaminated water was a serious threat to public health.• These two, plus Jones, Botham and Bainbridge, will pose a strong threat to any attack.• Once again the people of Sudan face the threat of famine.• But below the mirror images of arts and architecture lurks the threat of extinction - Venice is in Peril.• The threat of inflation and high interest rates led to a wage freeze.• the threat of invasion• I'm prepared to listen to him, but I'm not going to respond to threats.• There's no guarantee that whoever sent it won't follow up those written threats with actual physical violence.• Your threats don't scare me!bomb threat• More than 50,000 people carrying free foam-rubber tomahawks evacuated the stadium as if there had been a bomb threat.• Last Monday, a bomb threat against the county courthouse was delivered by telephone.• Pervez Musharraf, delayed his flight home because of a bomb threat.• Last Thursday, campus officials received a bomb threat that was sent over the university e-mail system.• Many passengers switch flight after bomb threat.• It belongs to the man who called in the bomb threat 18 minutes before it detonated.• Schools cancelled extracurricular activities, and many parents took their children out of classes after word of the bomb threat under threat of closure/attack etc• Both stations, manned by part-timers, were under threat of closure some years ago but massive campaigns secured their future.present/pose a threat (to somebody/something)• Would Payton ever return to Swansea and pose a threat to Emily's peace of mind?• A serious Republican challenger could have posed a threat in a House where Republicans hold a 227-207 advantage over Democrats.• For now, regulators suspect current credit problems pose a threat largely to bank earnings, rather than their survival.• Yet as far as the Seven are concerned, it still exists - still poses a threat to them.• Although the afflicted creatures do not behave aggressively, Fosco said, they still pose a threat to domestic animals.• This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health.• Supplies of food ran sufficiently low to pose a threat as serious as invasion.• Medical advice suggests that they are not yet at toxic levels, which would pose a threat to human health.Origin threat Old Englishthreat noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChinese   a someone statement in that tell Corpus you which




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