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单词 thoroughly
释义  thor·ough·ly /ˈθʌrəli $ ˈθʌroʊli, ˈθʌrə-/ ●●○ adverb  1  LOT/VERY MUCHcompletely 完全地;极度地 She sat feeling thoroughly miserable. 她坐着,感到极度痛苦。 thoroughly cooked meat 煮透了的肉2  CAREFULcarefully, so that nothing is forgotten 彻底地;仔细地;详尽地 The room had been thoroughly cleaned. 房间彻底打扫过了。Examples from the Corpusthoroughly• Success is achieved by analysing our market carefully, then researching and testing our products thoroughly.• After 10-15 minutes, dry feet thoroughly and apply a massage cream or oil.• That is splendid news: few things transform lives for the better as fast and as thoroughly as access to a car.• I was thoroughly confused.• Eating only thoroughly cooked foods will reduce your risk of illness.• They cheered the solos, whooped-it-up for each selection and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.• The body was thoroughly examined by physicians.• Reduce heat to low; cook 3 to 5 minutes or until thoroughly heated, stirring occasionally.• Each panel member should ensure that he or she thoroughly tests the case presented for project approval.• Many thanks for a thoroughly useful newspaper which is essential reading.• Thoroughly wash all surfaces which have come into contact with raw meat.thor·ough·ly adverbChineseSyllable   Corpus completely




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