单词 |
think the world of somebody |
释义 |
think the world of somebody think the world of somebody1 → think the world of somebody at think1(13) to like or love someone very much2 → mean the world to somebody/think the world of somebody at world1(10) if someone or something means the world to you, or if you think the world of them, they are very important to you and you love or respect them very muchthink the world of somebody |
随便看 |
- heartwarmingly
- hearty
- heat
- heated
- heated
- heated argument
- heated argument/debate/discussion etc
- heated debate
- heated discussion
- heatedly
- heater
- heaters
- heat exhaustion
- heat-exhaustion
- heatexhaustion
- heath
- Heathcliff
- heathen
- heathens
- heather
- heather couper
- heathercouper
- heather-couper
- heather mills
- heather-mills
- Developing world
- Militia
- Jerusalem
- Intifada
- Categorically
- Darfur
- Hebrew
- Desmond tutu
- Nelson mandela
- Kosovo
- 《草头蛱蝶黄花晚,菱角蜻蜓翠蔓深.》原诗出处,译文,注释
- 《草就篇章只等闲,作诗容易改诗难.玉经雕琢方成器,句要丰腴字要安.》什么意思|出处|翻译|用法例释
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- 《草庐经略》的主要内容,《草庐经略》导读
- 《草径如蛇绾,茅庐比斗宽.》原诗出处,译文,注释
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- 《草明·乘风破浪》原文|主题|赏析|概要
- 《草暖云昏万里春,宫花拂面送行人》什么意思,原诗出处,注解
- 《草暖云昏万里春,宫花拂面送行人.》原诗出处,译文,注释
- 《草木之精,能移我情.余嗜兰,每当花开,则终日静对,故伴兰如伴妾;余嗜菊,每当菊月,则朝夕瀹(yue悦)茗相看,故爱菊如爱友;余嗜梅,每入梅林,必穷其径之深曲处,故寻梅如寻幽人;余嗜柳,观其风条摇曳,辄想张绪当年,故攀柳如攀韵士.外此,则对牡丹如对轩冕,对海棠如对闺艳,对桃李如对门人小子,对松柏如对志士仁人.能移我情,而不移我情,是谓定情.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《草木之长,不见其有予而日修,为善日益也似之;砻(磨)磨之砥,不见其有夺而日薄,为不善日损也似之.然则君子无损乎?曰:君子损文以益质,小人损质以益名.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
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- Brash句子
- Dwelling句子
- Mislead句子
- Rebuff句子
- Begrudge句子
- Ammunition句子
- Pretext句子
- Charade句子
- Fraternity句子
- Pollination句子
- Nationalist句子
- Snare句子
- Dispensation句子
- Longitude句子
- Proposal句子