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单词 theocracy
释义  Related topics: Religionthe·oc·ra·cy /θiˈɒkrəsi $ -ˈɑː-/ noun (plural theocracies) [countable]  RRa social system or state controlled by religious leaders 神权政治;神权政体 —theocratic /ˌθiːəˈkrætɪk◂/ adjective a theocratic state 神权政治国家Examples from the Corpustheocracy• It represented an extreme example of a theocracy - of a body politic organised essentially around religious principles.• Knox tried to create as wide a base as possible for his theocracy.• The encroachment of the Eastern political economy into Utah in essence relegated the Mormon theocracy to the status of an internal colony.• It is a crusade to recapture Jerusalem, nothing short of a call for a new theocracy.• As part of your writing about the Mayas, include a discussion of theocracy.the·oc·ra·cy nounChineseSyllable  by religious system state or Corpus controlled a social leaders




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