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单词 Pullman
释义  Related topics: Trains & railwaysPull·man /ˈpʊlmən/ noun [countable]  TTTa very comfortable train carriage, or a train made up of these carriages 〔特别舒适的〕普尔曼式卧铺车厢;普尔曼式卧铺列车Examples from the CorpusPullman• Sleeping-car and Pullman attendants were invariably black.• That the classical wooden-bodied Pullman cars of earlier days had long since been split up and sold or scrapped was no deterrent.• In 1928 ten new Pullman cars, fitted with pantograph collectors instead of trolley poles, took over the Fleetwood service.• This year sees a big boost in bookings for superb meals served in the newly restored Pullman Cars.• A package of accelerations, improved peak-hour services and upgrading of the Master Cutler to Pullman status has generated new business.Origin Pullman 1. (1800-1900) George M. Pullman (1831-97), U.S. inventor who designed the car; 2. because they were made to fit under the seats of Pullman carsPull·man nounChineseSyllable  train a carriage, Corpus very comfortable or a made train up




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