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单词 adorable
释义  a·dor·a·ble /əˈdɔːrəbəl/ adjective  NICEsomeone or something that is adorable is so attractive that they fill you with feelings of love 可爱的;讨人喜欢的 Oh what an adorable little baby! 啊,多么可爱的小宝宝!Examples from the Corpusadorable• Have you seen their new baby - she's simply adorable!• McGregor and Diaz, on the other hand, are notable primarily for being adorable.• Of course, this also means Dunston, played by an adorable and talented ape named Sam, gets all the laughs.• What an adorable baby!• I was there till I was eighteen: marriage would be fun; husbands were adorable creatures.• Also, he was advised by a witty and adorable cricket named Jiminy.• Her friends ridiculed her, seeing for the first time how the balance in their relationship had shifted in favour of adorable Diana.• We eventually found the cat in the wardrobe, surrounded by six adorable kittens.• Often, a nurse was there, alone, in adorable vigil.a·dor·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  or Corpus is is that something adorable someone




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