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单词 westbound
释义 Word family  noun west western westerner westerly westernization adjective west westerly western westbound westernized westward verb westernize adverb west westward(s)  Related topics: Naturewest·bound /ˈwestbaʊnd/ adjective  DNtravelling or leading towards the west 向西行的;通向西的 Westbound traffic is moving very slowly. 西行车流移动非常缓慢。 an accident on the westbound carriageway of the motorway 高速公路西行车道上的一起事故Examples from the Corpuswestbound• The car was driving westbound on Route 66.• westbound traffic• Hicks looked up and down for police cars and rammed the Land-Rover out into the westbound traffic.• Some bandits have been known to send scouts to climb aboard westbound trains.west·bound adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus the west or towards travelling leading




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