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单词 unreal
释义 Word family  noun realism realist reality unreality realization adjective real unreal realistic ≠ unrealistic verb realize adverb real really realistically ≠ unrealistically  un·real /ˌʌnˈrɪəl◂/ ●○○ adjective  1  [not before noun]STRANGE an experience, situation etc that is unreal seems so strange that you think you must be imagining it 不真实的,虚幻的 It seemed unreal to be sitting and talking to someone so famous. 和这么一位大名鼎鼎的人坐在一起谈话似乎很不真实。2  REAL/NOT IMAGINARY#not related to real things that happen 脱离现实的,不切实际的 Many people go into marriage with unreal expectations. 许多人都是怀着不切实际的憧憬步入婚姻的。3  spokenEXCITED very exciting 很刺激的,极棒的 SYN excellent Our trip to Disneyland was unreal. 我们的迪士尼乐园之旅棒极了。 —unreality /ˌʌnriˈæləti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusunreal• Battle scenes in the movie seemed entirely unreal.• Our trip to Disneyland was totally unreal.• He was young; it was the sixties; he had a beauty that made him a little unreal.• It made him feel rather strange, rather safe and happy, and as if perhaps all of it were unreal.• The daily contact with them was unreal.• Pregnancy often seems unreal, and something which will not happen to them.• The music seemed unreal, especially because of my tranny.• In both poems, Leapor attempts to debunk unreal expectations of marriage.• Self-justifying belongs only to the unreal part of ourselves, the personality.• What we see on the news seems increasingly unreal to me.un·real adjectiveChineseSyllable  etc that is Corpus an experience, unreal situation




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