单词 |
bible |
释义 |
bible bi·ble, Bible /ˈbaɪbəl/ noun 1. the Bible the holy book of the Christian religion, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament2. [countable] a copy of the bible3 [singular] informal the most useful and important book on a particular subject It's the anatomy student's bible!Origin bible (1300-1400) Old French Medieval Latin biblia, from Greek, plural of biblion “book”, from byblos “papyrus” (from which paper was made)bi·ble nounSyllable |
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- the dubious honour
- the dubious honour/distinction/pleasure (of doing something)
- the dubious honour of doing
- the dubious honour of doing something
- the dubious honour of doing sth
- the dubious pleasure
- the dubious pleasure of doing
- the dubious pleasure of doing something
- the dubious pleasure of doing sth
- the Duchess of Cambridge
- the duchess of windsor
- the-duchess-of-windsor
- the duchess of york
- the-duchess-of-york
- the Duke of Cambridge
- the duke of edinburgh
- the-duke-of-edinburgh
- the duke of edinburgh award
- the-duke-of-edinburgh-award
- the duke of edinburgh's
- the-duke-of-edinburgh's
- the duke of edinburghs
- the-duke-of-edinburghs
- the duke of edinburgh's award
- the-duke-of-edinburgh's-award
- Languorous
- Ultramarine
- Gooseberry
- Addressing
- Adenoids
- Unmatched
- Providential
- Catkin
- Ruining
- Crowned
- 圣人千案序》鉴赏
- 圣人千虑,必有一失;愚人千虑,必有一得
- 圣人千虑,必有一失;愚人千虑,必有一得。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 圣人千言万语,经史千帙万卷,都是教人学好,禁人为非。若以先哲为依归,前言为律令,即一二语受用不尽。若依旧作世上人,或更污下,即将苍颉以来书读尽,也只是个没学问底人。
- 圣人只有一种才,千通万贯,随事合宜。譬如富贵,只积一种钱,贸易百货都得。众人之才如货,轻縠虽美,不可御寒;轻裘虽温,不可当暑。又养才要有根本,则随遇不穷;运才要有机括,故随感不滞;持才要有涵蓄,故随事不败。
- 圣人因蛛而知网罟,蛛非学圣人而布丝也。因蝇而悟作绳,蝇非学圣人而交足也。物者天能,圣人者人能。
- 圣人在上,能使天下万物各止其当然之所,而无陵夺假借之患,夫是之谓各安其分而天地位焉。能使天地万物各遂其同然之情而无抑郁倔强之态,夫是之谓各得其愿而万物育焉。
- 圣人垂世则为持衡之言,救世则有偏重之言。持衡之言,达之天下万世者也,可以示极。偏重之言,因事因人者也,可以矫枉。而不善读书者,每以偏重之言垂训,乱道也夫!诬圣也夫!
- 圣人处世,只于人情上做工夫,其于人情,又只于未言之先、不言之表上做工夫。
- 圣人处事,如日月之四照,随物为影;如水之四流,随地成形,己不与也。
- 圣人处事,有变易无方底,有执极不变底,有一事而所处不同底,有殊事而所处一致底,惟其可而已。自古圣人适当其可者,尧舜禹文周孔数圣人而已。当可而又无迹,此之谓至圣。
- 圣人处小人,不露行迹,中间自有得已处。高崖陡堑,直气壮頄,皆褊也。即不论取祸,近小丈夫矣。孟子见乐正子从王欢,何等深恶,及处王欢,与行而不与比,虽然,犹形迹矣。孔子处阳货,只是个绐法,处向魋,只是个躲法。
- 圣人妙处在转移人不觉。贤者以下便露圭角,费声色做出来,只见张皇。
- 圣人学问只是人定胜天。
- 圣人尝自视不如人,故天下无有如圣人者,非圣人之过虚也,四海之广,兆民之众,其一才一智未必皆出圣人下也。以圣人无所不能,岂无一毫之未至;以众人之无所能,岂无一见之独精。以独精补未至,固圣人之所乐取也。此圣人之心日歉然不自满足,日汲汲然不已于取善也。
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