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单词 beyond
释义  be·yond1 /bɪˈjɒnd $ -ˈjɑːnd/ ●●● S2 W1 preposition, adverb  1  FARon or to the further side of something 在更远处;往更远处;在[向]…的那边 They crossed the mountains and headed for the valleys beyond. 他们翻过山,向更远处的山谷进发。 Beyond the river, cattle were grazing. 河的那边,牛在吃草。 She drove through Westport, and stopped a few miles beyond at a wayside inn. 她驱车穿过西港,在几英里外的一个路边旅馆停了下来。5 REGISTER 语体In everyday English, people usually say on the other side of something rather than use the preposition beyond 在日常英语中,人们一般说on the other side of,而不用介词beyondPeople waited on the other side of the barrier.人们等在栅栏的另一边。2  AFTERlater than a particular time, date etc 迟于;过了…以后 SYN after What changes await us in the coming year and beyond? 明年和明年以后会有什么样的变化在等待着我们呢? The ban has been extended beyond 2003. 禁令已经延长至2003年以后。 The disco went on until beyond midnight. 迪斯科舞会一直持续到午夜以后。3  more or greater than a particular amount, level, or limit 超出〔某个数量、水平或限度〕 More people are choosing to work beyond retirement age. 越来越多的人选择过了退休年龄继续工作。 Inflation has risen beyond the 5% level. 通货膨胀已经超出了5%的水平。4  outside the range or limits of something or someone 超出…的范围,非…可及 Such tasks are far beyond the scope of the average schoolkid. 这样的作业远远超过了普通学童的学习范围。 expensive luxuries that are beyond the reach of ordinary people 非普通人可企及的昂贵奢侈品5  used to say that something is impossible to do 无法…〔表示某事不能做成〕beyond repair/control/belief etc (=impossible to repair, control, believe etc) 无法修理/控制/相信等 Scott’s equipment was damaged beyond repair. 斯科特的设备已损坏得没法修理了。 The town centre had changed beyond all recognition. 镇中心已变得面目全非了。 Due to circumstances beyond our control, the performance has had to be cancelled. 由于我们无法控制的情况,这次演出不得不取消。6  be beyond somebody to be too difficult for someone to understand 超出某人的理解能力 The whole problem was quite beyond him. 对于整个问题他根本无法理解。 Why Joan ever married such an idiot in the first place is beyond me. 我不明白琼当初怎么会嫁给这样一个白痴。7  used to mean ‘except’ in negative sentences 除…以外〔用于否定句〕 Fred owns nothing beyond the clothes on his back. 除了身上穿的衣服以外,弗雷德一无所有。Examples from the Corpusbeyond• The ban on hunting these animals has been extended beyond 2001.• The rate of inflation has risen beyond 5%.• The administration deserves no blame for events beyond its control.• an apple just beyond my reach• continuing to work beyond retirement age• The park is a couple of streets beyond the school.• That topic is somewhat beyond the scope of this discussion.• Santa Fe doesn't have much industry beyond tourism.• I can't really tell you anything beyond what you know already.far beyond• It was instinct as much as rational decision - thought was still far beyond me.• The significance of the South Carolina primary extends far beyond the 37 delegates at stake Saturday.• And many of those truckers obviously felt it was their right to deliver goods to points far beyond the border town.• Hence the prospect of an energy related and integrated physical geography including geomorphological processes may not be too far beyond the horizon.• And the effects would go far beyond the natural world.• Schedule 7 is divided into five parts, some of which require information which goes far beyond the purely financial.• And Abdul-Jabbar has moved far beyond the world of my-life-in-hoops books.• All kinds of research in education have gone far beyond this narrow form.beyond repair/control/belief etc• And the saluting was beyond belief.• Despite having a solid base, the rod is still contorted wildly beyond belief.• Did I just frighten you beyond belief?• He tried to straighten out the brim but it had been curled and folded so often it was beyond repair.• In 1940 the old Burwell drainage commission finally accepted voluntary dissolution when its ancient pump engine collapsed beyond repair.• In addition, the original plan called for the demolition of structures found beyond repair and the relocation of displaced homeowners.• The media are dull beyond belief because of the heavy censorship.beyond2 noun  the beyond literaryMXDIE whatever comes after this life 来世,再生Origin beyond1 Old English begeondan, from geondan “beyond”, from geond; YONDERbe·yond1 preposition →5 REGISTER1beyond2 nounChineseSyllable  further of on the something side or to Corpus




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