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单词 test-tube baby
释义  Related topics: Birth, Biologyˈtest-tube ˌbaby noun [countable]  HBHMBa baby that develops from an egg removed from a woman’s body, that is then put back inside the woman to continue developing 试管婴儿Examples from the Corpustest-tube baby• She had asked for a test-tube baby because her fallopian tubes were irreversibly blocked.• Nearly one child in 80 born in Britain is a test-tube baby.• At one point we see a homunculus encased in a glass beaker, exactly like a test-tube baby.• Are we to understand you have made a test-tube baby?• What will happen. they ask, when the first defective test-tube baby is horn?ˈtest-tube ˌbaby nounChineseSyllable  an egg develops from a that baby Corpus




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