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单词 teleconference
释义  tel·e·con·fe·rence1 /ˈteliˌkɒnfərəns $ -ˌkɑːn-/ noun [countable]  a discussion in which people in different places talk to each other using telephones or video equipment 远程会议;电话[电视]会议Examples from the Corpusteleconference• After all, that was the purpose of the press teleconference with production and talent.• This week some 3000 doctors and nurses participate in what is described as an international video teleconference on the subject.teleconference2 verb [intransitive]  to have a meeting in which people in different places talk to each other using telephones or video equipment 召开电话[电视]会议 —teleconferencing noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableFrom Longman Business DictionaryteleconferenceteleconferenceTELECOMMUNICATIONS a meeting in which people in different places can talk to each other using videos or computers, so that each person can see and speak to all the othersI have arranged a teleconference with the export sales team. —teleconferencing noun [uncountable]We are increasingly making use of teleconferencing.a teleconferencing system → conferencetel·e·con·fe·rence1 nounteleconference2 verbChineseSyllable  in different discussion Corpus in people Business a which




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