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单词 admissible
释义  Related topics: Lawad·mis·si·ble /ədˈmɪsəbəl/ adjective  SCTACCEPTadmissible reasons, facts etc are acceptable or allowed, especially in a court of law 可采纳的,可接受的〔尤指在法庭上提出的理由、事实等〕 OPP inadmissible admissible evidence 可采信的证据 —admissibility /ədˌmɪsəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusadmissible• Government lawyers said the case was neither merited nor admissible.• However, if certain conditions hold, it can be shown that the algorithm is near admissible.• Thereafter section 433 of the Act of 1986 renders the evidence admissible.• Confessions made during this period are admissible and often devastating.• The judge ruled that the documents were admissible, and this appeal is basically against that ruling.• Again, is parliamentary material admissible in support of an argument for an alternative construction?• It was simply not admissible that something as blatantly solid as a rock could have come from the heavens.• Parliamentary material is admissible where the legislation is ambiguous, uncertain or leads to an absurdity.admissible evidence• This usually occurred indirectly, but none the less effectively introducing this information which Parliament had tried to rule out as admissible evidence.From Longman Business Dictionaryadmissiblead‧mis‧si‧ble /ədˈmɪsəbəl/ adjectiveLAW able to be used as evidence in a court of lawSecretly recorded phone conversations are not admissible as·mis·si·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  admissible facts are or Corpus etc acceptable reasons, Business




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