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单词 tech
释义  Related topics: Collegetech1 /tek/ noun [countable]  1.British English old-fashioned informalSEC a technical college 工学院Examples from the Corpustech• Yet how typical of a tech to spell this all out so literally.• A tech knew the appropriate litanies to mutter.• And then along came an old battered AC30, which Lance, my guitar tech, gave to me.• Britain's future must be high skill, high wage and high tech.• However, the period design features cleverly conceal a wealth of high tech services.• This high tech tent is the latest in mobile medical hardware, which could help save lives.• Aye, babbled sanctimoniously!! i When, for its sake, Valence himself had abandoned his own tech kin!• Now their commander must dragoon several tech or merchant gangs from the Oberon spire into the ranks.tech2 verb  n1 tech down phrasal verb informal to use less advanced technology than the type you usually use I decided to tech down and use my film camera rather than my digital camera.From Longman Business Dictionarytechtech1 /tek/ adjective [only before a noun] informal technical or technologicalA lot of smaller tech companies are reporting disappointing profits.the tech support staff → see also high-tech, low-techtechtech2 (also technical) noun [countable] journalismFINANCE a technology companyOrigin tech (1900-2000) technicaltech1 nountech2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus college a Business technical




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