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单词 teach
释义 Word family  noun teacher teaching teachings verb teach  teach /tiːtʃ/ ●●● S1 W2 verb (past tense and past participle taught /tɔːt $ tɒːt/)  1  school/college etc 中小学/大学等 [intransitive, transitive]TEACH to give lessons in a school, college, or university, or to help someone learn about something by giving them information 教书;教授,讲授 → learnteach at Neil teaches at the Guildhall School of Music in London. 尼尔在伦敦吉尔德霍尔音乐学校教书。teach (somebody) English/mathematics/history etc He taught geography at the local secondary school. 他在当地中学教授地理。teach somebody (something) about something We were never taught anything about other religions. 我们从未接受过其他宗教的教育。teach something to somebody I’m teaching English to Italian students. 我在给意大利学生上英语课。teach school/college etc American English (=teach in a school etc) 教中小学/大学等2  show SB how 教某人如何做 [transitive]TEACH to show someone how to do something 教teach somebody (how) to do something My father taught me to swim. 父亲教我游泳。 different methods of teaching children how to read 教儿童识字的不同方法teach somebody something Can you teach me one of your card tricks? 你能教我一种纸牌戏法吗?3  change SB’s ideas 改变某人的想法 [transitive]TEACH to show or tell someone how they should behave or what they should think 教导,教育teach somebody to do something When I was young, we were taught to treat older people with respect. 我小的时候,我们受的教育是要尊敬老人。teach somebody something No one ever taught him the difference between right and wrong. 从未有人教过他分辨是非。teach somebody that He taught me that the easy option isn’t always the best one. 他让我明白了简便的选择并非总是最好。4  experience shows STH 经验说明某事 [transitive]SHOW/BE A SIGN OF if an experience or situation teaches you something, it helps you to understand something about life 〔经验或形势〕使〔某人〕明白teach somebody to do something Experience has taught me to avoid certain areas of the city. 经验告诉我要避开城里的某些区域。teach somebody that It’s certainly taught me that work and money aren’t the most important things in life. 这件事无疑告诉我工作和金钱不是生活中最重要的东西。5  that’ll teach you (to do something) spokenDESERVE used when something unpleasant has just happened to someone because they acted stupidly 这是(做某事)给你的教训 That’ll teach you to be late! 叫你迟到!6. teach somebody a lesson informalPUNISH if someone or something teaches you a lesson, you are punished for something you have done, so that you will not want to do it again 给某人一个教训7. you can’t teach an old dog new tricks used to say that older people often do not want to change the way they do things 老狗学不会新把戏,老人很难接受新事物8. teach your grandmother (to suck eggs) British EnglishADVISE to give someone advice about something that they already know 班门弄斧,在行家面前卖弄 THESAURUSteach to give lessons in a school, college, or university 教书,教授I taught for a year in France. 我在法国教了一年书。He teaches physics at York University. 他在约克大学教授物理。lecture to teach in a college or university by giving talks to groups of students on a subject 〔在大学〕讲课He lectures in engineering at a local college. 他在一所地方大学教工程学。instruct formal to teach someone how to do something, especially a particular practical skill 教〔尤指实用技能〕He was instructing them how to use the computer system. 他在教他们如何使用这套电脑系统。Staff are instructed in how to respond in the event of a fire. 员工学习遇到火情时如何应对。tutor to teach one student or a small group 教授〔一个或一小组学生〕I found work tutoring Mexican students in English. 我找了份教墨西哥学生英语的工作。coach especially British English to give private lessons, especially so that someone can pass an important test 〔尤为使某人通过重要考试〕私人辅导He coaches students for their university entrance exams. 他辅导学生准备大学入学考试。train to teach a person or group of people in the particular skills or knowledge they need to do a job 培训It will take at least a month to train the new assistant. 培训新助理至少要一个月。educate to teach someone over a long period, usually at school or university 〔一般在学校〕教育,培养He was educated in England. 他是在英格兰受的教育。Her parents want to educate her at home. 她父母想在家教她。show somebody the ropes informal to show someone how to do a job or task that they have just started doing 教某人如何做某事Miss McGinley will show you the ropes and answer any questions you may have. 麦金利小姐会教你怎么做,并解答你的任何问题。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusteach• I teach 18- to 21-year olds.• It took us several hours to teach all the dance moves to the girls.• My brief was to teach art and history of art to all age groups.• Léonie kept her hands outside the covers as she had been taught by the nuns at her primary school.• She teaches English to Italian students.• The teaching facilities for our Drama Department needed reconfiguring and redecorating.• I taught for a year in France.• She got a job teaching German at a local school.• Wyatt hugged her; she had taught him how to swim two summers ago.• Joe's mother taught him that he could do anything, if only he tried hard enough.• Russell has been teaching in Japan for almost ten years.• During his teens, his father was building a law practice in Brooklyn and teaching law part-time.• Teaching literature to the fifth grade is no joke!• Grandpa taught me a new card trick.• There was never a suggestion that my father alone could not love me, teach me, discipline me.• My mother taught me how to cook.• I've always wanted to learn to ski - could you teach me?• Public schools should not teach metaphysics without clearly identifying them as such.• My Dad taught school in New York.• I prefer teaching the older children.• Miss Himes teaches the youngest class, the four and five- year-olds.• Parents need to teach their children the difference between right and wrong.• Nobody has to sleep; you're taught to sleep when you're a kid.• When I was young, children were taught to treat older people with respect.• You must remember Mr Hughes - he used to teach us history.• Who taught you to drive?teach school/college etc• Some open restaurants or teach school.• Thoreau first tried to make a career of teaching school and then wrote essays, which almost no one bought.• Because he had taught school before becoming a Fed he had some experience of kids.• Her education qualified her to teach school, but not for the choice assignments.• Brownson went west to Detroit to teach school, but the old debates about Calvinism followed him even there to the frontier.• It is being asked to compensate for the failures of the education system by teaching school children art and history.• Epstein taught college courses concurrently with his work at the two newspapers.• He taught school in his native Gary, Ind., before coming to the Washington area in 1972.teach somebody something• Camp teaches kids a lot about nature.• Can you teach me one of your card tricks?• No one ever taught him the difference between right and wrong.teach somebody to do something• Playing sports has taught me never to give up.• Parents need to teach their children to share.Origin teach Old English tæcan “to show, teach”teach verb →THESAURUS1Chinese  school, Corpus lessons to a give in




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