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单词 taste
释义 Word family  noun taste distaste tastefulness taster tasting adjective tasteful ≠ tasteless distasteful tasty verb taste adverb tastefully distastefully  Related topics: Tastestaste1 /teɪst/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  food 食物 a) [countable, uncountable]TASTE OF FOOD OR DRINK the feeling that is produced by a particular food or drink when you put it in your mouth 味道,滋味 SYN flavour The medicine had a slightly bitter taste. 这药略带苦味。taste of I don’t really like the taste of meat anymore. 我已经不太喜欢肉的味道了。 b) [uncountable]HB the sense by which you know one food from another 味觉 Some birds have a highly developed sense of taste. 有些鸟的味觉很发达。 c) have a taste (of something)LITTLE/NOT MUCH if you have a taste of some food or drink, you put a small amount in your mouth to try it 品尝(某物) You must have a taste of the fruitcake. 你一定得尝尝这水果蛋糕。2  what you like 你所喜欢的 [countable, uncountable]LIKE somebody OR something the kind of things that someone likes 喜爱,爱好,口味taste in He asked about my taste in music. 他问我喜欢什么音乐。taste for While she was in France she developed a taste for fine wines. 她在法国的时候喜欢上了美酒。3  judgment 鉴赏力 [uncountable]TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC someone’s judgment when they choose clothes, decorations etc 〔对衣服、饰品等的〕鉴赏力,品位,趣味have good/bad etc taste She has such good taste. 她的品位很高雅。taste in Some people have really bad taste in clothes. 有些人的衣着品位实在太糟糕。4  what is acceptable/not offensive 可以接受的/不会得罪人的东西 [uncountable] the quality of being acceptable and not offensive 得体 All television companies accept the need to maintain standards of taste and decency. 所有电视公司都认同,电视节目需要保持一定的情趣和格调。be in bad/poor etc taste (=likely to offend people) 很不得体 She acknowledged her remark had been in bad taste. 她承认她的话很不得体。5  experience 经历EXPERIENCED [usually singular] a short experience of something that shows you what it is like 体验;感受;尝试taste of Schoolchildren can get a taste of the countryside first-hand. 学童可以亲身体验一下乡村生活。 It gave him his first taste of acting for the big screen. 这让他有了拍电影的初次体验。 The autumn storms gave us a taste of what was to come (=showed what would happen later). 这几场秋天的暴风雨让我们体会到接下来还会有什么。6  feeling 感觉 [singular]UNPLEASANT the feeling that you have after an experience, especially a bad experience 〔尤指经历不好的事情之后的〕感受,感觉,滋味 The way he spoke to those children left a nasty taste in my mouth. 他对那些孩子的说话方式让我觉得很不是滋味。 the bitter taste of failure 失败的苦涩滋味 the sweet taste of victory 胜利的甜美滋味7  ... to taste if you add salt, spices etc to taste, you add as much as you think makes it taste right – used in instructions in cook books 按照个人的口味,适量地〔用于烹饪书中的说明〕 Add salt to taste. 依个人口味加盐。 → give somebody a taste of their own medicine at medicine(4) COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: nadjectivesdeliciousThe taste was absolutely delicious.a delicious creamy tastenasty/unpleasantSome tablets have a nasty taste.strange/odd/peculiar/funnyThe sweets had a rather peculiar taste.strongThis cheese has quite a strong taste.mildThe taste of the leaves is milder than the root.sweetThe fruits have an excellent sweet taste.bitterThe brandy would not have masked the bitter taste of the poison.sourThe purpose of the lemon’s sour taste may be to stop the fruit being eaten by animals.saltyHe was conscious of the salty taste of his own blood.spicyAdd a little curry powder to give it a spicy taste.creamy/buttery/fruity/nutty etc (=tasting of cream, butter etc)The cookies had a very buttery taste.bland (=not strong or interesting)Some people find the taste of rice too bland.distinctiveHops give beer its distinctive bitter taste.nverbshave a sweet/strange etc tasteThe soup had a funny taste.give something a tasteThe spices gave the bread a rather interesting taste. COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘it is sweet taste’ or ‘it is nice taste’. Say it has a sweet taste or it has a nice taste. COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: the kind of things that someone likes 喜爱,爱好,口味adjectivessimilar/the same 相似的/相同的We have similar musical tastes. 我们有相似的音乐品位。same/similar/different 相同的/相似的/不同的Their tastes in movies were very different. 他们在电影方面的喜好大不相同。expensive/sophisticated 昂贵的/高水平的He was a man of expensive tastes. 他是个喜欢昂贵东西的人。 (=he liked expensive things)simple 简单的He was a man of simple tastes 他是个喜欢昂贵东西的人。 (=liking simple things)eclectic (=liking a wide variety of different things) 兼收并蓄的nMy tastes are very eclectic.musical/literary/artistic taste 音乐/文学/艺术品位nHis musical tastes changed radically.your personal taste 个人喜好nWhich one you choose is a question of personal taste.public/popular taste 大众喜好nThe shop created a unique style of goods that appealed to the popular acquired taste (=something that people do not like at first) 逐渐培养起来的爱好nThis kind of tea is an acquired taste, but very refreshing.nconsumer tastesChanges in consumer tastes result in the expansion of some industries and the contraction of others.verbshave ... tastes 有…的喜好Josh and I have the same tastes. 我和乔什的喜好相同。have a taste for something (=like something) 喜欢某物She certainly has a taste for adventure. 她的确喜欢冒险。get/develop a taste for something (also acquire a taste for something formal) (=to start to like something) 喜欢上某事物At university she developed a taste for performing. 读大学时她喜欢上了表演。share a taste (=have the same taste as someone else) 有相同的喜好nYou obviously share her taste in literature.suit/satisfy/appeal to somebody’s tastes (=provide what someone likes) 适合某人的口味nWe have music to suit every taste.nThe magazine caters for all tastes.phrasesbe to somebody’s taste (=be something that someone likes) 合某人的口味If her books are not to your taste, there are plenty of books by other writers. 要是她的书不合你意,还有许多其他作者的书。be too bright/modern etc for somebody’s taste 太鲜艳/摩登等而不合某人口味The building was too modern for my taste. 这建筑太现代,我不喜欢。something is a matter of taste (=different people have different opinions about what is good or right) 某事物是个人喜好问题nWhich of the two methods you use is largely a matter of taste.there’s no accounting for taste (=used humorously to say that you do not understand why someone likes something) 各有所爱〔幽默地表示无法理解某人的喜好〕 THESAURUSdescribing the taste of something 描述某物的味道delicious having a very good taste 美味的This cake is delicious! 这蛋糕很好吃!a delicious meal 美味的一餐disgusting/revolting having a very bad taste 令人作呕的The medicine tasted disgusting. 这药真难吃。They had to eat revolting things, like fish eyes. 他们不得不吃令人作呕的东西,譬如鱼眼睛之类。sweet tasting full of sugar 甜的The oranges were very sweet. 橙子很甜。tasty especially spoken tasting good and with plenty of flavour 美味的She cooked us a simple but tasty meal. 她为我们做了一顿简单而可口的饭。That was really tasty! 真的很好吃!sour/tart having a taste that stings your tongue slightly, like lemon does – used especially when this is rather unpleasant 酸的〔尤指难吃〕The apples were a little sour. 这些苹果有点酸。The wine has rather a tart taste, which not everyone will like. 这酒很酸,不是所有人都喜欢喝。tangy having a taste that stings your tongue slightly, like lemon does, in a way that seems good 刺激性味道的〔指好吃〕The dressing was nice and tangy. 调料好吃且开胃。bitter having a strong taste which is not sweet and is sometimes rather unpleasant – used for example about black coffee, or chocolate without sugar 〔清咖啡或无糖巧克力等〕苦的bitter chocolate 带苦味的巧克力The medicine had rather a bitter taste. 这药很苦。nHops give beer its distinctive bitter taste.salty containing a lot of salt 咸的Danish salami has a salty flavour. 丹麦萨拉米香肠很咸。hot/spicy having a burning taste because it contains strong spices 辣的I love hot curries. 我喜欢辣的咖喱。a spicy tomato sauce 辣味番茄酱piquant /ˈpiːkənt/ formal a little spicy – used especially by people who write about food. This word can sound rather pretentious in everyday conversation 微辣的〔尤为美食评论家所用,日常会话中听上去较为做作〕cooked vegetables in a piquant sauce 用微辣酱汁烹制的蔬菜mild not having a strong or hot taste – usually used about foods that can sometimes be spicy 〔一般指辣的食物〕淡味的a mild curry 微辣咖喱bland not having an interesting taste 淡而无味的I found the sauce rather bland. 我觉得这酱汁淡而无味。Examples from the Corpustaste• Tastes in fiction vary from person to person.• Can I have a taste of your sundae?• Voice over Hay's booksellers justifiably boast that they cater for all tastes.• No one with any taste would buy a painting like that.• Alvin had had a brief taste of freedom and didn't want to live with his parents again.• One particular strain lives only in the San Francisco Bay Area and gives the sourdough bread from that region its distinctive taste.• The resort caters to people with expensive tastes.• She decided to become an actress after getting her first taste of fame in a local theatre production.• I can't understand why she likes it, but as they say, there's no accounting for taste.• I don't think much of his taste.• It's not necessarily better or worse, it's just a matter of taste.• Smoking can damage your sense of taste.• Computer agents will be able to organize passive viewing to our taste, acting as assemblers for virtual channels.• It believes, with some assistance from professionals, that planning can lead to an environment wholly to its own taste.• We have similar taste in music.• a sour taste• The flour gives a faintly sweet taste to the crust.• Have some water to take away the taste of the medicine.• I never drink beer, I just don't like the taste.• Oscar nominees have traditionally reflected the taste of the public.• The smell, the taste, can bring a moment of contentment as no other food can.taste for• A rafting trip through the Grand Canyon will satisfy your taste for adventure.have good/bad etc taste• If there must be a neighbour, let her have good in bad/poor etc taste• The Caption Competition, which usually gives me a source of amusement, in the Feb edition was in bad taste.• Your jest is in poor taste.• As long as any advert does not bring the profession into disrepute nor is in bad taste then it is permissible.• Did the producer, perhaps feel it to be in poor taste?gave ... taste• But that first dive gave me the taste.• Last month, its chief executive officer gave a taste of the kind of economic pressure the channel could face.• This gave Joan a taste of freedom, but not yet enough.• The Belfry was cold and wet, which gave us a taste of what was to come at Lytham.Related topics: Food, Tastestaste2 ●●● S2 verb  1  [linking verb]DFCTTASTE OF FOOD OR DRINK to have a particular kind of taste 有…的味道taste good/delicious/sweet/fresh etc Mmm! This tastes good! 呣!好吃! The food tasted better than it looked. 这食物吃起来味道比看上去要好。taste awful/disgusting etc The coffee tasted awful. 咖啡很难喝。taste of something This yoghurt tastes of strawberries. 这酸奶是草莓味的。 It didn’t taste much of ginger. 没有多少姜的味道。taste like something It tastes just like champagne to me. 对我来说,它的味道就像香槟酒。 What does pumpkin taste like (=how would you describe its taste)? 南瓜是什么味道?sweet-tasting/bitter-tasting etc a sweet-tasting soup 甜味的汤n GrammarLinking verbsTaste is a linking verb in this meaning. It links the subject of the sentence with an adjective: The soup tastes salty.Fresh strawberries always taste delicious.Using the progressive• The verb taste is not usually used in the progressive. You say: I tasted blood.It tastes sour. ✗Don’t say: I was tasting blood. | It is tasting sour.• You often say someone can taste something when describing what they taste: I could taste blood.• The present participle tasting is used to form adjectives such as sweet-tasting and foul-tasting.2  [transitive]DFTASTE OF FOOD OR DRINK to experience or recognize the taste of food or drink 尝出…的味道 She could taste blood. 她尝到了血的味道。 Can you taste the difference? 你能吃出有什么不同吗? It was like nothing I’d ever tasted before. 它的味道和我以前吃过的东西都不一样。3  [transitive]DFLITTLE/NOT MUCH to eat or drink a small amount of something to see what it is like 尝,品尝 It’s always best to keep tasting the food while you’re cooking it. 做菜的时候最好是边做边尝。4  taste success/freedom/victory etc EXPERIENCEDto have a short experience of something that you want more of 尝到成功/自由/胜利等的滋味 There was a lot of hard work before we first tasted success. 我们经过非常艰苦的努力,总算初次尝到了成功的滋味。n COLLOCATIONSadjectivestaste good/nice/delicious/greatThe apples weren’t very big but they tasted good.taste horrible/awful/disgusting/foulThe tea tasted horrible.taste funny/odd/strangeThese fruit drinks taste a bit funny until you get used to them.taste sweet/bitter/sour/saltyHe handed me some black stuff which tasted bitter.adverbstaste strongly of somethingThe water tasted strongly of chlorine.phrasessweet-tasting/strong-tasting etca sweet-tasting drink→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustaste• The fancier something looked, the better he thought it tasted.• I am successful because I have the ability to make things sound, taste and look good.• I can't taste anything with this cold.• They had tasted Cassowary's sharp dagger of a beak before.• Others decided to taste freedom in other fields of social activity: speculation on the black market, opening businesses etc.• "Go on then, taste it, '' said my grandfather, pouring a little of his home-made wine into my glass.• It's a vegetarian pie, but it tastes just like meat!• I don't like cranberries - they taste kind of sour.• You should taste my Dad's fried chicken, it's delicious.• I ordered chocolate ice cream but this tastes of coffee.• The cake tastes pretty good to me.• This milk tastes strange - do you think it's OK to drink?• Did you taste the salsa?• One notable disappointment in the tasting was the performance of Los Vascos, which had been making great strides in recent years.• Taste your eggs before you put salt on them.could taste• With it he could taste anything she gave him and suffer no harm.• Eley knew he'd as well send her his ear as mail these stale words, although he could taste her still.• She could taste him, round and warm and citrus, deep and cinnamon.• I could taste iron in the air, and naphthalene.• Christina could taste its salty tang and feel it settle stickily on her skin.• Sally could taste the cigarettes and beer and found that that too was exciting.• He bit his lip until he could taste the salt of blood and Samuel flinched with him.Origin taste2 (1200-1300) Old French taster “to touch, test, taste”, from Vulgar Latin taxitare, from Latin taxare; → TAX2taste1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →COLLOCATIONS2 →THESAURUS1taste2 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  that by is produced feeling food Corpus or the particular a




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