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单词 tap
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Dancetap1 /tæp/ ●●○ S3 noun  1  water/gas 水/煤气 [countable]D especially British English a piece of equipment for controlling the flow of water, gas etc from a pipe or container 〔水、煤气等管道或容器的〕龙头,阀门 SYN American English faucet Tap water (=water that comes out of a tap) is usually heavily treated with chemicals. 自来水一般都用化学品严格处理过。 She went into the bathroom and turned on the taps. 她走进浴室,打开水龙头。kitchen/bath/garden tap I washed my hands under the kitchen tap. 我在厨房水龙头下洗了手。cold/hot tap (=the tap that cold or hot water comes from) 冷水/热水龙头 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A5 Where to eat 吃东西的地方 →4  See picture of 见图 MATERIAL 12  a light hit 轻轻的敲击 [countable]HIT an act of hitting something lightly, especially to get someone’s attention 〔尤指为了引起某人注意〕轻轻敲击,轻叩,轻拍tap at/on She felt a tap on her shoulder. 她觉得有人轻轻拍了拍她的肩膀。 There was a tap at the door. 有人轻轻地敲了一下门。3  on tap a) DFDbeer that is on tap comes from a barrel 〔啤酒〕桶装的 b) informalAVAILABLE something that is on tap is ready to use when you need it 可随时取用[使用]的 We’ve got all the information on tap. 我们有各种信息随时可以利用。4. dancing 舞蹈 [uncountable] (also tap dancing)APD dancing in which you wear special shoes with pieces of metal on the bottom which make a loud sharp sound on the floor 踢踏舞5  telephone 电话 [countable]LISTEN an act of secretly listening to someone’s telephone, using electronic equipment 电话窃听 The police had put a tap on his phone line. 警方在他的电话线路上安装了窃听器。6. barrel 桶 [countable]D a specially shaped object used for letting liquid out of a barrel, especially beer 〔尤指啤酒桶的〕龙头,旋塞7. TUNE 曲调taps [plural]APMPM a song or tune played on the bugle at night in an army camp, and at military funerals 〔军营里晚上的〕熄灯号;〔军队的〕葬礼号n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: a piece of equipment for controlling the flow of water, gas etc from a pipe or containerverbsturn on a tapRun some cold water into the bath before turning on the hot tap.turn off a tapI forgot to turn the tap a tap (=make water flow out of it)She stood at the sink, running the tap to get a glass of cold water.a tap is running (=water is flowing out of it)I think you must have left the tap running.a tap is dripping (=drops of water are coming out of it)If the tap is dripping, change the washer.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + tap the cold/hot tapShe scrubbed her hands under the cold tap.the kitchen/bath/garden tapThe water coming out of the kitchen tap had an odd smell.a mixer tap British English (=one through which cold and hot water can run together)He fitted a mixer tap to the bath.a running tapWash the cut under a running tap.a dripping tapI could hear a dripping tap.a leaking/leaky tap (=with drops of water coming from the end )The leaky tap had left a stain in the washbasin.tap + NOUNtap water (=water that comes out of a tap)In the test, people preferred tap water to bottled mineral waters.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: an act of hitting something lightly, especially to get someone’s attentionadjectivesa gentle/light/soft tapThere was a gentle tap on the door.a sharp tapA few sharp taps with a hammer will force the nail through the surface.verbsgive something/somebody a tapShe gave the dog a gentle tap with her umbrella.Examples from the Corpustap• The FBI had put a tap on Mitchell's phone line.• There was a tap on the window as Iris passed on her way to the front door of Hawthorn Cottage.• There was a tap at the door.• A tap on the door sounded above the wind.• What are they doing next door? I can't stand this constant tapping on the wall.• The bath looked as if it had been hollowed out of a single lump of the stuff, with monstrous gold dolphins for taps.• I am stopped mid-anecdote by an imperious tap on my shoulder.• I was startled by a light tap at the door.• For the second time, there was a tentative tap on the door.• A rubber hose-pipe snaked across the yard from the kitchen window, bringing hot water from the tap in the big sink.• She gave Mike a drink of water from the tap.cold/hot tap• Add cold tap water to cover the ingredients by 1 inch.• Pour hottest tap water into the larger baking pan to a depth of 1 inch.• She stretched to manipulate the hot tap with her toe.• Great idea: before grating orange or lemon peel, run the grater under the cold tap to prevent sticking.• But as she washed her breakfast cup and saucer and rinsed them meticulously under the cold tap, she was anxious.• She ran the water out of the basin and held her wrists under the cold tap until they were numb.• The cold tap dripped into the stone sink at long, regular intervals.tap at/on• I was just formulating how to say it when I felt a tap on my shoulder.• Rita felt a tap on her shoulder.• Suddenly there is a tap on my shoulder, and I jump in terror.• Nevertheless there was a tap at the door.• In the end, Honor gritted her teeth and tapped on the door.• Within walking distance, if you can, and one that can be tapped at weekends.• I flipped on the car radio, tapping on the steering wheel in time to the music.• Metal, not rubber, taps on shoes?• It was 5.06 when he was tapped on the shoulder and told that he was urgently needed on the phone.tap2 ●●○ verb (tapped, tapping)  1  hit lightly 轻拍 [intransitive, transitive]HIT to hit your fingers lightly on something, for example to get someone’s attention 〔用手指〕轻拍,轻叩,轻敲tap somebody on the shoulder/arm/chest etc He turned as someone tapped him on the shoulder. 有人轻轻拍了拍他的肩膀,他转过身来。tap on I went up and tapped on the window. 我走上去轻轻敲敲窗户。tap something on/against/from etc something Mark tapped his fingers on the tabletop impatiently. 马克不耐烦地用手指轻叩桌面。 She tapped ash from her cigarette. 她轻轻弹掉香烟上的灰。► see thesaurus at hit2  music 音乐 [transitive] to make a regular pattern of sounds with your fingers or feet, especially when you are listening to music 〔尤指听音乐时〕用〔手指或脚〕打节拍 She tapped her feet in time to the music. 她和着音乐用脚打着节拍。 a toe-tapping tune 欢快的曲调3  energy/money 能源/钱 [transitive] (also tap into)USE something to use or take what is needed from something such as an energy supply or an amount of money 利用;发掘,开发〔能源、资金来源等〕 People are tapping into the power supply illegally. 人们在非法取电。 We hope that additional sources of funding can be tapped. 我们希望还有其他资金来源可以利用。4  ideas 思想 [transitive] (also tap into)USE something to make as much use as possible of the ideas, experience, knowledge etc that a group of people has 利用,采用〔思想、经验、知识等〕 Your adviser’s experience is there to be tapped. 可以利用你顾问的经验。 helping people tap into training opportunities 帮助人们利用培训机会5  telephone 电话 [transitive]LISTEN to listen secretly to someone’s telephone by using a special piece of electronic equipment 窃听〔电话〕 Murray’s phone calls to Australia were tapped. 默里打往澳大利亚的电话被窃听了。6. TAtree 树木 [transitive] to get liquid from the trunk of a tree by making a hole in it 在〔树干〕上凿孔取汁7. player 队员 [transitive] (also tap up) British English informal if a football club taps a player from another team, it illegally tries to persuade that player to join its team 〔足球俱乐部等试图从其他球队〕非法挖〔队员〕8 tap something ↔ in (also tap something into something) phrasal verb British English TDto put information, numbers etc into a computer, telephone etc by pressing buttons or keys 把〔信息、数字等〕敲入 [键入,输入]〔计算机、电话等〕 Tap in your password before you log on. 登录前请先输入密码。9 tap something ↔ out phrasal verb a) to hit something lightly, especially with your fingers or foot, in order to make a pattern of sounds 〔尤指用手指或脚〕轻敲出〔声音〕 He whistled the tune and tapped out the rhythm. 他一边吹着曲子,一边打着拍子。b) to write something with a computer 〔用计算机〕写出 Brian tapped out a name on his small electronic organizer. 布赖恩在他的小电子记事本上打出一个名字。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustap• Daley read the notes, tapping a pencil on the desk.• It sounded as though something outside was tapping against the window.• Later we realized our phones had been tapped and the police knew everything.• Williams is expected to be tapped as the new director of operations.• In other cases it was apparent that a new pedestrian population was being tapped as turnover rose markedly on shop opening.• Reinhardt was tapped for the federal bench in 1980 by former President Carter.• To continue the research project, the university plans to tap funds primarily from private foundations.• His chip shot came up an inch short and he tapped in for par.• The rain forest theme products tap into consumer interest in the environment.• Is that someone tapping on the door?• She tapped on the window to attract his attention.• She would tap out a cigarette and pretend to smoke it, as if on break.• He tapped the cigarette briskly against the packet, placed it negligently between his lips and lit it.• Investigators had tapped the drug dealer's phone line.• Nor did I telephone Edusha the police might be tapping the line.• Edouard was tapping the table idly with one finger, which Isobel knew was a sign of irritation.• In some circumstances, such partnerships can, in fact, tap the tax-exempt market.• The whole crowd was clapping and tapping their feet to the music.tap on• I went up and tapped on the ... tapped• He is at present living in Belgrade, threatened and insulted for the public stand he is taking, his phone tapped.• Or did Bob think the house phones could be tapped?• They also have reason to believe their phone is tapped.From Longman Business Dictionarytaptap /tæp/ noun on tap ready for immediate use when you need itForeign currency loans provide you with cash on tap in the appropriate currency.Origin tap1 1. Old English tæppa2. (1300-1400) → TAP2 tap2 1. (1100-1200) Old French taper “to hit with the flat part of the hand”2. Old English tæppiantap1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2tap2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  the Corpus of Business equipment controlling of flow water, a for piece




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