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单词 tangerine
释义  Related topics: Plants, Foodtan·ge·rine /ˌtændʒəˈriːn/ noun  1. HBPDF[countable] a small sweet fruit like an orange with a skin that comes off easily 橘子2. [uncountable] a bright orange colour 橘色 —tangerine adjectiveExamples from the Corpustangerine• They're a cross between a grapefruit and a tangerine.• The spiral rind of a tangerine sits in a white saucer in front of him.• I ate so many tangerines that after a few weeks my palms and the bottoms of my feet turned yellow.• Thyme is sometimes described as having aromas of peppermint, nutmeg, tangerine, pine, coconut, and varnish.• Add the remaining tangerines and the brandy, then simmer for 10 min.• Peel the tangerines and break into segments.• His son trucks the tangerines and apples to the provincial capital, and even down into Henan province.• You can add some Oriental crunch to the entree with a crisp fresh salad enlivened with tangerines or oranges.Origin tangerine (1600-1700) French Tanger “Tangier”, city in Moroccotan·ge·rine nounChineseSyllable  fruit skin a with small like sweet a orange an Corpus




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