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单词 swill
释义  Related topics: Cleaning, Drinkswill1 /swɪl/ verb  1  DHCWASH[transitive] British English to wash something by pouring a lot of water over it or into it 〔用水〕冲洗,涮swill something away/down/out Get a bucket to swill the yard down. 去拿个桶来把院子冲洗一下。2  [intransitive, transitive] if a liquid swills around or you swill it around, it moves around something 〔液体〕(使)摇动,(使)晃动swill around/round He swilled his brandy gently round his glass. 他轻轻晃动玻璃杯里的白兰地。3  DFDDRINK[transitive] (also swill down) informal to drink something in large amounts 大口喝;痛饮 He does nothing but swill beer all day. 他整天什么事也不干,就是拼命喝啤酒。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusswill• Was that a bad bit of barley he was swilling?• Turbo swills a couple of beers to warm up while his wife and fans gather to cheer him on.• He swills champagne with Lord and Lady Astor, so they say.• The former big-league catcher had been assigned to interview the happy winners as they hugged each other and swilled champagne.• It was a feast, swilled down in the boys' case at least. with pints of good cider.• They swilled gin in the afternoon out of jelly jars and swallowed sedatives.• Do you know, the cobblestones couldn't be seen for the blood which swilled like water?• Strain off the surplus fat and swill out the pan with the wine and stock.swill around/round• The bag was dropped into a tank of water and swilled round occasionally like a giant tea bag.Related topics: Agriculture, Cleaningswill2 noun  1. [uncountable]TA food for pigs, mostly made of unwanted bits of human food 泔脚饲料,猪食 → pigswill2. [countable]DHC British EnglishWASH the act of washing something by pouring a lot of water over it 冲洗,涮Examples from the Corpusswill• Dead rats, floating in the brown swill of beer with teeth bared in a last deathly snarl.• Without his casual left guard he was bucket swill, the ugly effluvia that boxers deposit from their lacerated mouths between rounds.• The Channel swill chopped and slapped all around.• He preferred, he said, to submerge himself in the urban swill, or be in deep country.• The beer was just warm swill, and he drank it because Arthur put it down in front of him.Origin swill1 Old English swillanswill1 verbswill2 nounChinese   Corpus wash by a something lot pouring to




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