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单词 swaddle
释义  Related topics: Birthswad·dle /ˈswɒdl $ ˈswɑːdl/ verb [transitive] old-fashioned  MBto wrap a baby tightly to keep it warm and protect it 用襁褓包裹〔婴孩〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusswaddle• Not surprising since the industry itself was still in swaddling clothes.• It is a birth swaddled in deception, whose secret will not be shared by those most affected until decades have passed.• Where once this corner of the island was swaddled in green, a lunar landscape now stands.• I can only suggest, Bill, that you swaddle them both and keep them immobilised for a week.• Each morning I swaddled them in cotton wool and boxes of Band-Aids.Origin swaddle (1400-1500) Probably from sweddle “to swaddle” ((13-17 centuries)), from Old English swethel “swaddling clothes”swad·dle verbChineseSyllable  to tightly wrap it baby Corpus warm a to keep




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