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单词 suspend
释义 Word family  noun suspension verb suspend  sus·pend /səˈspend/ ●○○ AWL verb [transitive]  1  STOP something THAT IS HAPPENINGstop 中止 to officially stop something from continuing, especially for a short time 暂停,中止 → suspension Sales of the drug will be suspended until more tests are completed. 这种药品在完成进一步检验之前将暂停销售。 Talks between the two countries have now been suspended. 两国间的对话现已中止。2  LEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATIONLEAVE A SCHOOL OR COLLEGEleave a school/job 离开学校/工作 to make someone leave their school or job for a short time, especially because they have broken the rules 〔尤指因违规〕使…暂时停学[停职] → suspension The two police officers have been suspended until an enquiry is carried out. 那两名警察被暂时停职,直到调查完毕。suspend somebody from something Dave was suspended from school for a week. 戴夫被停学一周。3  hang 挂 formalDOWN to attach something to a high place so that it hangs down 悬,挂,吊suspend something from something A large light was suspended from the ceiling. 天花板上悬挂着一盏大灯。suspend something by something He was suspended by his feet and beaten with metal bars. 他被吊起双脚,用金属棒殴打。4. suspend judgment NOT DO somethingto decide not to make a firm decision or judgment about something until you know more about it 暂不作出判断5. suspend disbelief to try to believe that something is true, for example when you are watching a film or play 〔看电影、戏剧等时〕停止怀疑,暂不质疑6. be suspended in something technicalIN/INSIDE if something is suspended in a liquid or in air, it floats in it without moving 悬浮在某物中→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussuspend• A curfew was imposed and news broadcasts by Radio Rumbos, the largest network, were suspended.• Jamie looks up from his plate, the fork suspended.• The trial was suspended after threats were made against witnesses.• We have decided to suspend all production at the factory until safety checks can be carried out.• Martinez was suspended for a week because he attacked another student.• Three police officers have been suspended for accepting bribes.• Any store that has had its license suspended for more than 30 days will have to apply for a permit.• In total nine verdicts have already been reversed and 13 police officers have been suspended from duty.• At a great distance, the ghostly frost of a snow peak seemed suspended from the clear sky.• Two senior officials have been suspended on full pay pending a second internal inquiry.• The Police Department has suspended six officers from duty while they investigate claims of fraud and corruption.• The university suspended the fraternity for two years, during which it could not hold social or athletic activities.• If you want to suspend this policy you must send your certificate of motor insurance back to us.• All pay increases are to be suspended until further notice.• The teacher has been suspended while the accusation is being investigated.suspend something from something• Two large stainless steel frames were suspended from the ceiling.From Longman Business Dictionarysuspendsus‧pend /səˈspend/ verb [transitive]1to officially stop something from continuing or happening for a short timeThe company hassuspended production at its Arkansas plant.The troubled computer concern had tosuspend dividendpayments on its preferred shares.2HUMAN RESOURCES to make someone leave a job, position, or organization for a short time, especially because they have broken the rulesThe firm suspended two senior accountants after allegations of financial mismanagement.suspend somebody from somethingHe was fined £300,000 and suspended from trading for four months.→ See Verb tableOrigin suspend (1200-1300) Old French suspendre “to hang up, interrupt”, from Latin suspendere, from sub- “up” + pendere “to hang”sus·pend verbChineseSyllable  to Business stop officially something from continuing, Corpus




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