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单词 suspected
释义 Word family  noun suspect suspicion adjective suspect suspected unsuspecting suspicious verb suspect adverb suspiciously  sus·pect·ed /səˈspektɪd/ adjective [only before noun]  1  suspected burglar/terrorist/spy etc someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime 被疑为入室盗窃/恐怖分子/间谍等的人 a suspected child-killer 被怀疑杀害儿童的人2  if you have a suspected illness or injury, doctors think that you might have it but do not know for certain 〔伤病〕疑似…的 He was taken to hospital after a suspected heart attack. 他疑似心脏病发作,被送进了医院。Examples from the Corpussuspected• He and a friend, Trevor Nott, were arrested as suspected accomplices in a visa-forging ring.• He was attacked at his home after confronting a suspected burglar.• Hasegawa had collapsed at the Imperial Palace on Sept. 3 with a suspected cerebral stroke.• In Basic Instinct she played a suspected killer chased by cop Michael Douglas.• The second requirement is that the date of first registration is more than three years from the date of the suspected offence.• All opponents or suspected opponents of the military government are being detained.• Four men were arrested for their suspected roles in the bombing.• They have succeeded in bringing many suspected terrorists to justice.sus·pect·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  is who a Corpus thought someone of be guilty to




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