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单词 subtext
释义  sub·text /ˈsʌbtekst/ noun [countable usually singular]  MEANINGa hidden or second meaning behind someone’s words or actions 潜在含义,字面下的意思,潜台词 What’s the subtext here? What’s the writer really saying? 这里的潜台词是什么? 作者到底想说什么?Examples from the Corpussubtext• Potentially explosive subtext -- Annie was sexually abused as a child -- is pretty much left in the background.• One subtext of the book is accepting one's ethnic identity.• Those were just some of the subtexts in the 64-team draw.• Underneath the scorn, the subtext is that Morrissey's art lacks a vital virility.• Whatever their text, the subtext was always this: this is my will.• Even in this harsh, modern commercial world, this remains a vital subtext of our own research.sub·text nounChineseSyllable  a someone’s behind or second meaning Corpus hidden words or actions




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