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单词 manipulator
释义 Word family  noun manipulation manipulator adjective manipulative verb manipulate  ma·nip·u·la·tor /məˈnɪpjəleɪtə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  USE A PERSONsomeone who is skilful at getting what they want by cleverly controlling or deceiving other people 善于摆布[欺骗]他人者,善于操控者Examples from the Corpusmanipulator• Indeed from the standpoint of a cynical manipulator we could even invert his logic.• Research has shown that so-called Machiavellians can be effective manipulators of other people.• But the power to tax also is the lifeblood of powerful manipulators of the political system.• This argument has received wide currency, in part because it again presents Gloucester as the victim of circumstances rather than their·nip·u·la·tor nounChineseSyllable  by what someone at is skilful getting want they Corpus who




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