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单词 strident
释义  stri·dent /ˈstraɪdənt/ adjective  1  DETERMINEDforceful and determined, especially in a way that is offensive or annoying 强烈的;坚定的;咄咄逼人的 strident criticism 猛烈的抨击2  SOUNDLOUD/NOISYa strident sound or voice is loud and unpleasant 刺耳的,尖声的 the strident calls of seagulls 海鸥尖厉的叫声 —stridently adverb —stridency noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusstrident• One may hope that this forceful advocacy can remain in most instances persuasive and considered rather than strident.• Instead, they will be replaced with a magazine with a less strident and more caring title-Dialog.• There was much humour, of a strident, bitter sort.• Middle-class moralists might be ardent, even strident, but working-class patterns continued to be remarkably resistant and independent.• strident critics• the strident demands of the American media• But the older Matthew Arnold has little with which to correct the strident exaggeration of youth.• In reality, taking ownership of benefits and breakthroughs is pitched at a lower and less strident key.Origin strident (1600-1700) Latin present participle of stridere “to make a rough unpleasant noise”stri·dent adjectiveChineseSyllable  is and a that Corpus forceful in especially determined, way




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