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单词 storm
释义 Word family  noun storm adjective stormy verb storm  Related topics: Meteorologystorm1 /stɔːm $ stɔːrm/ ●●● W3 noun  1  [countable]HEM a period of very bad weather when there is a lot of rain or snow, strong winds, and often lightning 暴风雨[雪] The weather forecast is for severe storms tonight. 天气预报说今晚有强暴风雨。 Twenty people were killed when the storm struck the Midwest. 暴风雨袭击中西部,造成20人死亡。2  [countable usually singular]SERIOUS SITUATION a situation in which people suddenly express very strong feelings about something that someone has said or done 〔感情的〕爆发,迸发 The governor found himself at the center of a political storm. 州长发现自己处于一场政治风暴的中心。storm of protest/criticism etc Government plans for hospital closures provoked a storm of protest. 政府关闭医院的计划激起了一片强烈的抗议声。3  take somewhere by storm a) to be very successful in a particular place 在某地大获成功 The new show took London by storm. 这部新剧在伦敦大获成功。 b) ATTACKto attack a place using large numbers of soldiers, and succeed in getting possession of it 〔以优势兵力成功地〕突袭攻占某处4  weather the storm to experience a difficult period and reach the end of it without being harmed or damaged too much 经受住考验 I’ll stay and weather the storm. 我要留下来渡过难关。5. a storm in a teacup British EnglishUNIMPORTANT an unnecessary expression of strong feelings about something that is very unimportant 茶杯里的风波,小题大做,大惊小怪6  dance/sing/cook etc up a storm ENERGETICto do something with all your energy 起劲地跳舞/唱歌/烹调等 They were dancing up a storm. 他们正在尽情地跳舞。 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: a period of very bad weather when there is a lot of rain or snow, strong winds, and often lightning 暴风雨[雪]ADJECTIVES/NOUN + storma big storm 大暴雨The tree had come down on the day of the big storm. 那棵树在下大暴雨那天倒了。a bad/terrible storm 严重/可怕的暴风雨This was the worst storm for 50 years. 这是 50 年来最严重的暴风雨。a severe/violent/fierce storm 猛烈的暴风雨He set out in a violent storm for Fort William. 他冒着狂风暴雨向威廉堡进发。a great storm literary: 大风暴the great storm of 1987 1997年的大风暴a tropical storm 热带风暴The tropical storm smashed through the Bahamas. 热带风暴横扫巴哈马。a rain/snow storm 暴雨/暴雪nThey got caught in a terrible snow dust storm (=one in which a lot of dust is blown around)Dust storms are relatively common in the electrical storm (=one with lightning) 闪电风暴nPower supplies have been affected by severe electrical storms in some parts of the country.a winter/summer storm 冬季/夏季暴风雨nPeople fear there may be more flooding when the winter storms hit.a freak storm (=an unexpected and unusually violent one) 反常的暴风雨nThe freak storm caused chaos.nan approaching storm (=one that is coming closer)The horizon was dark with an approaching storm.verbsa storm blows up (=starts) 暴风雨大作That night, a storm blew up. 那一夜,风雨大作。a storm breaks (=suddenly starts, after clouds have been increasing) 暴风雨来临The storm broke at five o’clock. 5 点钟,暴风雨降临。a storm is brewing (=is likely to start soon) 暴风雨在酝酿He could feel that a storm was brewing. 他能感觉到暴风雨即将来临。a storm rages (=is active and violent) 暴风雨肆虐By the time we reached the airfield, a tropical storm was raging. 我们到达机场时,热带风暴正在肆虐。a storm hits/strikes (a place) 暴风雨袭击(某地)We should try to get home before the storm hits. 我们应该尽量赶在暴风雨来临前到家。a storm lashes/batters a place literary 暴风雨重创某地nFierce storms lashed the coastline.a storm abates/passes 暴风雨减弱/过去nWe sat and waited for the storm to pass.a storm blows itself out (=ends) 暴风雨平息nThe storm finally blew itself out.nride out a storm (=survive it without being damaged)The Greek fleet had ridden out the storm near Euboia.storm + NOUNstorm clouds 风暴云We could see storm clouds in the distance. 我们看到远处有风暴云。storm damage 暴风雨造成的破坏A lot of buildings suffered storm damage. 许多建筑物遭到暴风雨破坏。COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘a strong storm’ or ‘a hard storm’. Say a big storm, a bad storm, or a violent storm. 不要说 ‘a strong storm’ 或 ‘a hard storm’。 而要说 a big storm, a bad storm, 或 a violent storm。 THESAURUSstorm a period of very bad weather when there is a lot of rain or snow, strong winds, and often lightning 暴风雨[雪]The ship sank in a violent storm. 那船在狂风暴雨中沉没。They got caught in a storm on top of the mountain. 他们在山顶遭遇暴风雨。nThe storm hit the coast of Florida on Tuesday.nThe cost of repairing storm damage will run into millions of pounds.thunderstorm a storm in which there is a lot of thunder (=loud noise in the sky) and lightning (=flashes of light in the sky) 雷雨When I was young I was terrified of thunderstorms. 我小时候很怕雷雨。hurricane a storm that has very strong fast winds and that moves over water – used about storms in the North Atlantic Ocean 〔北大西洋〕飓风Hurricane Katrina battered the US Gulf Coast. 卡特里娜飓风重创美国墨西哥湾沿岸。the hurricane season 飓风季节typhoon a very violent tropical storm – used about storms in the Western Pacific Ocean 〔西太平洋〕台风A powerful typhoon hit southern China today. 今天强台风袭击了中国南方。nWeather experts are monitoring typhoons in Hong Kong and China.cyclone a severe storm affecting a large area, in which the wind moves around in a big circle 气旋Thousands of people died when a tropical cyclone hit Bangladesh. 热带气旋袭击孟加拉国,数千人死亡。nCyclone ‘Joy’ inflicted damage estimated at $40 million, with winds of up to 145 miles per hour.tornado (also twister American English informal) an extremely violent storm that consists of air that spins very quickly and causes a lot of damage 龙卷风The tornado ripped the roof off his house. 龙卷风把他家的屋顶掀了。nFor the second time in a week deadly tornadoes have torn through Tennessee.snowstorm a storm with strong winds and a lot of snow 暴风雪A major snowstorm blew across Colorado. 强暴风雪横扫科罗拉多州。blizzard a severe snowstorm in which the snow is blown around by strong winds, making it difficult to see anything 暴风雪We got stuck in a blizzard. 我们被暴风雪困住了。Denver is bracing itself for blizzard conditions. 丹佛正为暴风雪天气做准备。 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: a situation in which people suddenly express very strong feelings about something that someone has said or done 〔感情的〕爆发,迸发nadjectivesa political stormThe company became the centre of a political storm.verbsncause/create a stormThe prime minister caused a storm by criticizing military commanders.nprovoke/spark/raise a storm (=make it start)This decision provoked a storm of protest from civil rights organizations.a storm blows up (=starts) 暴风雨大作nIn 1895 a diplomatic storm blew up between Britain and America over storm blows over (=ends)The president is just hoping that the storm will blow over quickly.nride out the storm (=survive the situation)Do you think the government will be able to ride out the storm?nphrasesa storm of protestThe killing caused a storm of protest.a storm of controversyHis book raised a storm of controversy.a storm of criticismA storm of criticism forced the government to withdraw the at the centre of a storm British English, be at the center of a storm American English (=be the person or thing that is causing strong protest, criticism etc)He has been at the centre of a storm surrounding donations to the party.Examples from the Corpusstorm• The hot wind blows a storm of dust and leaves, and the women retreat into their houses.• It was the first big storm we've had all season.• At 77, Paul Lamson of Hingham has seen many storms.• It is designed to withstand the sort of storm that statistically would be expected to occur once in every 10,000 years.• There had not been such severe storms in southern England for hundreds of years.• A terrible storm comes to the island and a whale beaches on the shore.• With little in the way of grass or forests or wetlands to hold it back, runoff during the storms is extreme.• The Spanish ships were wrecked in the storm.• Yet now I wanted to feel it outside, to embrace the full force of the storm.• The storm clouds were gathering over the sea.• The storm is nearer now too near.storm2 ●○○ verb  1  [transitive]ATTACK to suddenly attack and enter a place using a lot of force 猛烈攻击,突然袭击〔某地〕 An angry crowd stormed the embassy. 愤怒的人群突然袭击大使馆。► see thesaurus at attack2  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]ANGRY to go somewhere in a noisy fast way that shows you are extremely angry 气冲冲地疾走storm out of/into/off etc Alan stormed out of the room. 艾伦气呼呼地冲出房间。3  [intransitive, transitive] literarySHOUTANGRY to shout something in an angry way 怒吼 ‘What difference does it make?’ she stormed. “那有什么区别?”她怒吼道。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusstorm• On the coach Geoffrey had stared morosely out of the window; now he stormed along the wing with ferocious determination.• Heavily armed and masked gunmen stormed an ammunitions store in Co. Mayo.• Armies of worried men in suits stormed off the Lexington Avenue subway line and marched down the crooked pavements.• Noades stormed out after eight clubs blocked the proposed £13million Bass sponsorship deal and six other club representatives followed him.• He stormed out of the bathroom.• Angered by the betrayal, Rhee and Yun stormed out of the building.• Several dozen rebels stormed the ambassador's residence.• an attempt by government forces to storm the hijacked airplane• On the night of June 27 a crowd of up to two hundred people stormed the jail.• He played the proverbial blinder as Galway stormed to a famous victory.storm out of/into/off etc• Yoyo stormed out of that room and into her own.• Angered by the betrayal, Rhee and Yun stormed out of the building.• She later loses her patience with Robert and Andy and storms out of the farm.• They argued constantly and the arguments almost always ended with Tom storming out of the house.• On the basis of that petty insult, Pick stormed out of the negotiations, never to return.• The conference leaders, leafy and Obey, stormed out of the room, furiously protesting the breach of conference procedure.• Sometimes she stormed out into the street.• Sister Jean Andrew, the principal, stormed out of the wings and faced the class with her hands on her hips.Origin storm1 Old Englishstorm1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →COLLOCATIONS2 →THESAURUS1storm2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  bad when weather very a period Corpus of there




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