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单词 stony
释义 Word family  noun stone adjective stoned stony verb stone adverb stonily  Related topics: Earth sciencesston·y /ˈstəʊni $ ˈstoʊ-/ adjective  1  HEcovered by stones or containing stones 铺着石头的;多石的;石质的 stony soil 石质土2  EMOTIONAL#not showing any friendliness or pity 冷酷的,无情的;无同情心的 stony faces 冷酷的面孔 a stony silence 冷漠的沉默3. fall on stony ground IGNOREif a request, suggestion, joke etc falls on stony ground, it is ignored or people do not like it 〔要求、提议、笑话等〕被忽视;不受喜欢;没有引起反响 —stonily adverb Camilla stared stonily ahead. 卡米拉冷冷地盯着前方。Examples from the Corpusstony• Houses white as virgins breathed their stony breaths and expanded their bellies until every polished name-plaque turned to the sun and shone.• No one, not even Challenger, would see what lay beneath its stony carapace.• She looked at him with stony eyes.• They require considerable power, and are easily damaged on stony ground.• the stony hillside• In the morning, a stony light filled the room.• This stony material is certainly much easier to crush and handle than a massive chunk of stainless steel.• Ana was going down the stony path, almost at the gates.• Whatever their hairstyles, serious critics mostly maintained a stony silence.• They drove home in stony silence.• Her friendly gestures were met with stony stares.stony silence• Most of the demonstrators maintained a stony silence.• Mutinously she flicked her gaze back to where he was surveying her in stony silence.• Ned appeared to be whispering sweet nothings in her ear but his attentions were being met with a stony silence!• Whatever their hairstyles, serious critics mostly maintained a stony silence.ston·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  or Corpus covered containing by stones stones




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