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单词 stingy
释义  stin·gy /ˈstɪndʒi/ adjective  1  informalGENEROUS# not generous, especially with money 吝啬的,小气的 SYN mean She’s too stingy to give money to charity. 她很小气,不愿捐钱行善。2  ENOUGHa stingy amount of something, especially food, is too small 〔尤指食物〕极少量的,不足的 a stingy portion of vegetables 极少的一份蔬菜 —stingily adverb —stinginess noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusstingy• They confuse popularity with wealth, and you are labelled as stingy.• They are rich, but they are terribly stingy.• Another accuses his dad of being a bit stingy.• Don't be so stingy! It's your turn to buy me a drink.• I was given a stingy portion of vegetables with rice.• Perhaps it should be noted that many persons will think that three ounces of cooked lean meat make a stingy portion.• They were too stingy to eat and too cheap to shit.• It's no use asking him - he's too stingy to give money to charity.• I don't know why they were so stingy with the drinks -- they have plenty of money.• Residents here have a history of being stingy with their tax dollars.• He became stingy with words, and sombre.Origin stingy (1600-1700) Probably from an unrecorded English dialect stinge “sting” (noun)stin·gy adjectiveChineseSyllable   not with Corpus money generous, especially




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