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单词 stimulus
释义  Related topics: Biologystim·u·lus /ˈstɪmjələs/ ●○○ noun (plural stimuli /-laɪ/)  1  [countable usually singular, uncountable]HELP something that helps a process to develop more quickly or more strongly 刺激(物);促进因素 Tax cuts provided the stimulus which the slow economy needed. 减税为不景气的经济带来了其所需的刺激。stimulus to The discovery of oil acted as a stimulus to industrial development. 石油的发现对工业发展是一个促进因素。2  [countable]HBCAUSE something that makes someone or something move or react 〔使人或物产生反应的〕刺激,刺激物 At this age, the infant begins to react more to visual stimuli. 到了这个年龄段,婴儿开始对视觉刺激有了更多的反应。Examples from the Corpusstimulus• Table 5 shows the results of a t-test between a stimulus and the value 0.5.• The surge in new housing construction ought to provide a stimulus to the economy.• With sufficient training, however, both stimuli will lose the ability to evoke attention.• Elders are not passive objects merely conditioned by stimuli from society or their body.• The appointment of a new director gave the project immediate stimulus.• How do employers react to the supposed increased willingness of workers to offer more labour services resulting from a monetary stimulus?• Tax cuts provided the stimulus the slow economy needed.• As we have seen, the stimulus given to the economy by Emancipation was at first limited.• They wanted the stimulus package, much of which would have been spent in inner cities.• A child presented with a visual stimulus tends to center or fix attention on a limited perceptual aspect of the stimulus.From Longman Business Dictionarystimulusstim‧u‧lus /ˈstɪmjələs/ noun [singular, uncountable] something that helps a process to develop more quickly or stronglystimulus toThe discovery of oil acted as a stimulus to the local economy. → fiscal stimulus → monetary stimulusOrigin stimulus (1600-1700) Latin “sharp stick for making animals move”stim·u·lus nounChineseSyllable   Corpus process a that Business helps to something more develop




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