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be strung out across sth |
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请查阅be strung (out) along/across etc something |
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- Department of Labor, the
- department of motor vehicles
- department-of-motor-vehicles
- Department of Motor Vehicles, the
- department of national heritage
- department-of-national-heritage
- Department of National Heritage, the
- department of social security
- department-of-social-security
- Department of Social Security, the
- department of state
- department-of-state
- Department of State, the
- department of the environment
- department-of-the-environment
- Department of the Environment, the
- department of the interior
- department-of-the-interior
- Department of the Interior
- Department of the Interior, the
- department of trade and industry
- department-of-trade-and-industry
- Department of Trade and Industry, the
- department of transportation
- department-of-transportation
- Spayed
- Record level
- Wimp
- Buxom
- Convener
- Greenhorn
- Allow in
- Run short of
- Traumas
- Counting
- 圣贤只在与人同欲恶,“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”,“我不欲人之加诸我也,吾亦欲无加诸人”,便是圣人。能近取譬,施诸己而不愿,亦勿施于人,便是贤者。专所欲于己,施所恶于人,便是小人。学者用情,只在此二字上体认,最为吃紧,充得尽时,六合都是一个,有甚人己。
- 圣贤处天下事,委曲纡徐,不轻徇一己之情,以违天下之欲,以破天下之防。是故道有不当直,事有不必果者,此类是也。譬之行道然,循曲从远,顺其成迹,而不敢以欲速适己之便者,势不可也。若必欲简捷直遂,则两京程途,正以绳墨,破城除邑,塞河夷山,终有数百里之近矣,而人情事势不可也。是以处事要逊以出之,而学者接物怕径情直行。
- 圣贤学问是一套,行王道必本天德。后世学问是两截,不修己,只管治人。
- 圣贤把持得“义”字最干净,无分毫“利”字干扰。众人才有义举,便不免有个“利”字来扰乱,“利”字不得,便做“义”字不成。
- 圣贤用刚只够济那一件事便了,用明只够得那件情便了,分外不剩分毫。所以做事无痕迹,甚浑厚,事既有成而亦无议。
- 圣达节,次守节,下失节
- 圣达节,次守节,下失节。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 圣门后世亦有炎凉
- 圣门学问心诀,只是不做贼就好。或问之,曰:做贼是个自欺心、自利心,学者于此二心一毫摆脱不尽,与做贼何异?
- 圣门工夫有两途:“克己复礼”,是领恶以全好也,四夷靖则中国安。“先立乎其大者”,是正己而物正也,内顺治则外威严。
- 圣马丁
- 圣-波尔·卢作品分析
- 在“低人一等”中蓄积“高人一筹”的能量
- 在“密苏里”号战舰受降仪式上的演说
- 在“特立独行”中“鹤立鸡群”
- Applesauce句子
- Middle english句子
- Washington monument句子
- Anthropometric句子
- Big-boned句子
- Security Management句子
- Job hunter句子
- Take account句子
- Crisply句子
- Labor relation句子
- Boiler suit句子
- Aestivation句子
- Stabilised句子
- Oxtail句子
- Mitral valve句子