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- thread
- threadbare
- threadbare argument
- threadbare excuse
- threadbare excuse/argument/joke etc
- threadbare joke
- threaded
- threading
- threading
- Threadneedle Street
- threadneedle-street
- threadneedlestreet
- threads
- thread your way
- thread your way into
- thread your way into something
- thread your way into sth
- thread your way something
- thread your way sth
- thread your way through
- thread your way through/into etc something
- thread your way through something
- thread your way through sth
- threat
- threaten
- Constantine the great
- Beta testing
- Marriage bed
- Bering sea
- Banking industry
- Terminal computer
- Listeria monocytogenes
- Experimental model
- Ways and means committee
- A walking dictionary
- 夫材之用,国之栋梁也,得之则安以荣,失之则亡以辱。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 夫民怀敢怒之心,畏不敢犯之法,以待可乘之衅,众心已离而上之人且恣其虐以甚之,此桀、纣之所以亡也。是以明王推自然之心,置同然之腹,不恃其顺我者之迹,而欲得其无怨我者之心,体其意欲而不忍拂,知民之心不尽见之于声色而有隐而难知者在也。此所以固结深厚而子孙终必赖之也。
- 夫民,衣食不足则不暇治礼义,而饱暖无教,则又近于禽兽。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 夫水,遏之乃所以多之,泄之乃所以竭之。惟仁者能泄,惟智者知泄。
- 夫治世不得真贤,譬犹治疾不得真药也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 夫治化之本在于正人伦,人伦之正,存乎设庠序,庠序设而五教明,则德化洽通,彝伦攸叙。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 夫治水者,通之乃所以穷之,塞之乃所以决之也。民情亦然。故先王引民情于正,不裁于法。法与情不俱行,一存则一亡。三代之得天下,得民情也;其守天下也,调民情也。顺之而使不拂,节之而使不过,是谓之调。
- 夫物,愚者真,智者伪;愚者完,智者丧。无论人,即乌之反哺,雉之耿介,鸤鸠均平专一,雎鸠和而不流,雁之贞静自守,驺虞之仁,獬豸之秉正嫉邪,何尝有矫伪哉?人亦然,人之全其天者皆非智巧者也。才智巧则其天漓矣,漓则其天可夺。惟愚者之天不可夺,故求道真,当求之愚;求不二心之臣以任天下事,亦当求之愚。夫愚者何尝不智哉?愚者之智,纯正专一之智也。
- 夫物速成则疾衰亡,晚就则善终;朝华之草,夕而零落;松柏之茂,隆冬不衰。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 夫生法者君也,守法者臣也,法於法者民也,君臣上下贵贱皆从法,此谓为大治。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文