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单词 steam
释义 Word family  noun steam steamer adjective steamy verb steam adverb steaming  Related topics: Daily life, Wind, water, sun, Trains & railways, Chemistry, Industrysteam1 /stiːm/ ●●○ W3 noun [uncountable]  1  gas 气体D the hot mist that water produces when it is boiled 蒸汽,水蒸气 Steam rose from the hot tub. 水蒸气从热腾腾的浴缸里升起。2. mist on surface 表面的雾气DWET the mist that forms on windows, mirrors etc when warm wet air suddenly becomes cold 水汽;雾气3  power 动力TPW power that is produced by boiling water to make steam, in order to make things work or move 蒸汽动力[压力] The engines are driven by steam. 这些发动机是由蒸汽驱动的。steam engine/train/hammer etc (=an engine etc that works by steam power) 蒸汽机/蒸汽火车/汽锤等4. let/blow off steam ANGRYto get rid of your anger, excitement, or energy in a way that does not harm anyone by doing something active 发泄怒火;宣泄情绪5  get/pick/build up steam  (also gather/gain steam) a) FAST/QUICKif an engine picks up steam, it gradually starts to go faster 〔发动机〕逐渐加速 b) IMPORTANTif plans, beliefs etc pick up steam, they gradually become more important and more people become interested in them 〔计划、观念等〕逐渐变得重要,逐渐得到关注 The election campaign is picking up steam. 竞选活动声势逐渐壮大。6  run out of steam  (also lose steam)TIRED to no longer have the energy or the desire to continue doing something, especially because you are tired 〔尤指因疲劳而〕泄气,失去动力 I usually just let her yell until she runs out of steam. 我通常就任她叫喊到没有力气为止。7  under your own steam INDEPENDENT COUNTRY OR ORGANIZATIONif you go somewhere under your own steam, you get there without help from anyone else 靠自己的力量 I’ll get to the restaurant under my own steam. 我会自己去餐馆的。8  railway 铁路TTT a railway system in which the trains use steam for power 蒸汽机车铁路系统 the age of steam 蒸汽机车时代 →4  See picture of 见图 steam → full steam ahead at full1(18)Examples from the Corpussteam• There was a smell in the air, hot metal, chemical steam.• Who else but Galwey should arrive full steam at his shoulder, outpacing even Simon Geoghegan in his hunger for the ball.• However, in midafternoon New York trading, the rally lost steam.• It was recreation hour, explained Brother Andrew with a smile, and the Brothers were letting off steam.• The water was just right, slid over his skin as he gave out a long low satisfied moan into the steam.steam engine/train/hammer etc• If one man invented a steam engine and another a railway, then the two could come together.• Read in studio Railway enthusiasts are queueing up for a nostalgic trip on a steam train.• Up to 20 caravans have parked close to the town's historic cathedral, and opposite the leisure centre and steam train station.• Gritty steam engines, not teeny chips, hauled the world into the information age.• The rate of consumption of energy was named after another James: Watt, of steam engine fame.• He installed his twelve horse-power steam engine at Portsmouth dockyard in 1798-9, the first to be used in a royal dockyard.• Coal for the mill's steam engine was carried up the steep hill on donkeys.• The immense surrogate slave power released by the steam engine ushered in the Industrial Revolution.Related topics: Cooking, Watersteam2 ●●○ verb  1  [intransitive]HOT if something steams, steam rises from it, especially because it is hot 散发蒸汽;冒热气 A pot was steaming on top of the cooker. 锅在炉子上冒着热气。2  [transitive]DFCCOOK to cook something in steam 蒸 → boil Steam the vegetables lightly. 把蔬菜稍蒸一下。 steamed broccoli 蒸西蓝花► see thesaurus at cook3  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]TTWTRAVEL to travel somewhere in a boat or train that uses steam to produce power 乘汽船[蒸汽火车]旅行steam into/from etc We steamed from port to port. 我们乘汽船从一个港口到另一个港口。4  [intransitive] especially British English to go somewhere very quickly 快速行走,疾行steam in/down Geoff steamed in, ten minutes late. 杰夫急匆匆地进来,迟到了十分钟。5. be steaming (mad)  (also be steamed (up)) American English spokenANGRY to be very angry 气得冒烟,暴跳如雷6 steam ahead phrasal verb to start doing something very quickly 迅速开始做 The company is steaming ahead with its investment programme. 这家公司在迅速开展其投资计划。7.steam something ↔ open/off phrasal verb OPENto use steam to open an envelope or to remove a stamp from an envelope 用蒸汽把〔信封〕揭开/把〔邮票〕揭下来8 steam up phrasal verb SEEto cover something with steam, or to become covered with steam (使)蒙上水汽 My glasses are all steamed up. 我的眼镜上全是水汽。steam something ↔ up A pan was boiling on the stove, steaming up the windows. 炉子上有个锅烧开了,窗户上都是水汽。 → steamed-up→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussteam• The broccoli, peppers and squash should be steamed.• Dammit, these people get me steamed!• Aunt Margaret carried in an oblong, golden pie from the kitchen, steaming and savoury.• The 31,011-mile journey ended on August 17, when the ship steamed back into Norfolk.• I had no time to steam my Christmas pudding, so I poured boiling water over it and ate it like cake.• Black pots stood steaming on a pair of hobs.• Do you want me to steam the broccoli?• Steam the courgettes for 3-4 minutes.• The large plate-glass window of the riverside cafe was steamed up and trickles of condensation ran down the yellow-painted walls.• I could smell the burning oil steaming up from the motor.• Captain Morris, the mess officer, scowled at the garbage can of steaming water.steaming• a bowl of steaming hot soup• Later, we carried steaming hot water through the Buffalo snowdrifts to thaw our chickens' wafer bucket.• The memories crowded in around me as I sat with a nice cup of steaming hot water, writing in longhand.steam into/from etc• As it was, she steamed from Liverpool that night and was with John the following evening.• During the next four weeks we steamed from one port to another, unloading and loading a variety of cargoes.• The procession moved through the kitchen, through clouds of steam from several large metal vats of food.• In the end they used a locomotive which diverted the steam into tanks behind the engine by means of a ducted exhaust.• Clouds of steam from the dishwasher filled the room when the going got heavy.• From behind her came a spear of light that struck steam from the ground at her feet.• But already the 11.54 was steaming into the station, and Perks was looking in all the windows.• That's what they were: packets of steam from the Steam Packet Hotel.steam in/down• Jeremy Hoad offers advice for would-be postgraduates Postgraduates are about as easy to define as collecting steam in a bucket.• We were steaming in a circle for a reason.• After tense negotiations the idea of steaming in a circle was proposed.• Others have behavioural problems and need to let off steam in a safe and controlled setting.• But there is already a head of steam in parliament to make the proposed voluntary takeover code legally binding.• The idea of rewarding groups is also gaining steam in the bitter debate over merit pay for teachers.• The horses began to steam in the sunlit air.Origin steam1 Old Englishsteam1 nounsteam2 verbChinese  when it is boiled produces Corpus mist that the water hot




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