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单词 statement
释义 Word family  noun statement understatement ≠ overstatement adjective understated ≠ overstated verb state understate ≠ overstate  state·ment1 /ˈsteɪtmənt/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  [countable]SAY/STATE something you say or write, especially publicly or officially, to let people know your intentions or opinions, or to record facts 〔尤指公开或正式的〕陈述,声明 In an official statement, she formally announced her resignation. 在一份官方声明中,她正式宣布辞职。statement on/about the prime minister’s recent statements on Europe 首相最近关于欧洲问题的声明► see thesaurus at speech2  [countable]LIST a record showing amounts of money paid, received, owed etc 结算表,财务报表 the company’s annual financial statements 这家公司的年度财务报表 I haven’t received my bank statement for last month yet. 我还没有收到上个月的银行结算单。3  [countable] something you do, make, wear etc that causes people to have a certain opinion about you 〔行为、穿着等对个性的〕表现,反映 The type of car you drive makes a statement about you. 你驾驶的车型能反映出你的个性。 a fashion statement 时尚宣言4  [uncountable] formalEXPRESS the act of expressing something in words 陈述,表述 presentation and clarity of statement 陈述的表达形式和清晰度 COLLOCATIONSverbsmake a statement (=say something, especially in public) 〔尤指对公众〕发表声明The minister will make a statement on the matter tomorrow. 明天部长将就此事发表声明。give a statement (=make a statement, especially to the police) 〔尤指对警方〕做出陈述He gave a statement to the police. 他向警方做了供述。issue/release/put out a statement (=give a written statement to newspapers, TV etc) 〔在报纸、电视等上〕发表书面声明nThe Russian Foreign Ministry issued a short statement saying the meeting was ‘useful’.take/get a statement from somebody 记录某人的陈述nI asked the police why they didn’t take a statement from me four years ago.withdraw your statement (=say that a statement you gave is not true) 〔某人〕收回自己的声明nShe later withdrew her statement.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + statementa short/brief statement 简短的声明Police last night issued a brief statement about the incident. 昨晚警方就该事件发表了一份简短声明。a clear statement (=giving an opinion clearly) 明确的声明The article was a clear statement of his beliefs. 这篇文章清楚地表明了他的信仰。a sweeping statement (=one that is too general) 笼统的声明Researchers do not want to make any sweeping statements at this stage. 研究者不想在这个阶段做任何笼统的声明。a false/misleading statement (=one that is not true) 虚假/误导的声明nShe is accused of making false statements to obtain a official statement 官方声明nThe company is expected to make an official statement tomorrow.a formal statement (=one you must sign to show that it is true) 正式声明nYou will be asked to make a formal statement.a public statement (=one made in public) 公开声明nWe will be making no public statements about the matter.a written statement 书面声明nOne neighbour said in a written statement that she often heard a baby ‘crying for help’.a prepared statement (=one that is prepared and then read out) 事先准备的声明nHis solicitor read a prepared statement on his behalf.a sworn statement (=one that you officially promise is true) 经宣誓的证词nThe reports were based on sworn statements of graduates of the terrorist training camp.a policy statement (=one that explains a government policy) 政策说明nIn his first major policy statement to Parliament he promised to end corruption in public life.a mission statement (=one in which an organization states its aims) 宗旨说明nThe role of a mission statement is to focus on the purpose of the organization.n THESAURUSstatement something that someone says or writes publicly in order to tell people what they intend to do, what their opinion is etcThe president will make a statement to the press this afternoon.announcement a public or official statement telling people what has happened or what will happenThe announcement was heard by millions of radio listeners this morning.The company made an announcement yesterday that Rogers has resigned as managing director.declaration an important official statement, especially about what a government or organization intends to doOn the 19th of July a declaration of war was delivered in Berlin.Independence Hall is where the delegates met to sign the Declaration of Independence and write the Constitution. press release an official statement giving information to the newspapers, radio, or televisionThe singer issued a press release saying that she was too ill to continue with the tour.testimony a formal statement saying that something is true, especially one a witness makes in a court of lawThe testimony of the two arresting officers was an important part of the prosecution case.The jury based their decision almost entirely on the testimony of one witness.affidavit law a written statement that you swear is true, for use as proof in a court of lawA prison doctor who treated the accused sent an affidavit about his mental state.Examples from the Corpusstatement• In a statement, the BBC admitted that it had given incorrect information.• The President will make a statement to the press this afternoon.• Once again, in his autumn statement yesterday, the Chancellor of the Exchequer was forecasting an economic upturn.• a bank statement• Shevardnadze did not repeat in public or in his internal report his most emphatic statement in Pyongyang.• According to its financial statement, the company made a profit of $15 million last year.• The company gave no year-ago figures in its statement.• This becomes part of your mission statement and will help you focus as your business grows.• The Court relied upon lack of protest coupled with public statements of the position, preferring overt behaviour to formal requirements.• Aversion relief statements are also included here.• Mr. Speaker I will take points of order after the statement.• The boffin claims to be able to lower bust-up ratios by analysing responses to statements about their lifestyles.statement on/about• What most kids really want is the ability to make a statement about the human condition through play writing.• The information will be accompanied by statements on the purpose of a school and its particular aims.• Simply stated the purpose is the first statement about which the project is all about.• A strongly worded White House statement on March 7 had appealed for international support in stopping the operation of the Rabta plant.• He said he had been informed of Pascoe's death but could make no statement about it.• They could no longer dismiss our statements about commitment to quality as mere talk.• Others in the school made similar statements about statement• After the couple's death police discovered bank statements which showed they paid the builders £23,000 for it.• She ran a sticky finger down the monthly balance-sheet, then checked the figures against the handwritten bank statement.• Tax inspectors should be empowered to examine a man's bank statement as well as his credit-card dealings.• Then there are your personal papers, such as credit card statements, bank statements, insurance documents, etc.• Two weeks ago, Leavey glanced at the bank statements NationsBank was sending to Dena.• Sands opened the bank statement first.• And don't forget: keep a record of your order, so you can balance it against your bank statement.• On your bank statement, it will show up as $ 47,395.makes a statement• Shutting the door makes a statement of refusal.• If he makes statements from the Dispatch Box, he should be a man of honour and honour his promises.• Still, when he makes a statement such as you refer to, I would be inclined to believe him.Related topics: Schoolstatement2 verb [transitive]  British EnglishSES if an education authority statements a child who has special educational needs, they give a school additional money to help teach that child 〔教育部门〕为〔有特殊教育需要的儿童〕提供额外教育经费statement3 adjective [only before noun]  statement pieces of jewellery, shoes etc are very noticeable and impressive – used especially in magazines 〔珠宝、鞋等〕引人注目的,抢眼的〔尤用于杂志〕From Longman Business Dictionarystatementstate‧ment /ˈsteɪtmənt/ noun [countable]1something you say or write publicly or officially to let people know your intentions or opinions, or to record factsFalse statements on your tax form could land you in jail.The Congressman issued a statement to the press.The brokers had made misleading statements. → chairman's statement → environmental impact statement → mission statement → proxy statement → registration statement2FINANCEa list showing amounts of money paid, received, owing etc and their totalYou will receive a monthly statement showing the state of your account. → average statement → bank statement → completion statement → financial statement → funds flow statement → income statement → reconciliation statement → source and application of funds statementstate·ment1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1statement2 verbstatement3 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  something publicly or write, or say Corpus officially, especially Business you




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