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单词 sprinkle
释义  ldoce_312_bsprin·kle1 /ˈsprɪŋkəl/ ●○○ verb  1  [transitive]POUR to scatter small drops of liquid or small pieces of something 洒;撒sprinkle something with something Sprinkle the top with cheese. 在上面撒些干酪。sprinkle something on/over something I sprinkled cocoa over my latte. 我在我的拿铁咖啡上撒了点可可粉。 →5  See picture of SPRINKLE 撒2  be sprinkled with jokes/quotations etc FULLto be full of jokes etc 穿插着许多笑话/引语等 The book is liberally sprinkled with clichés. 书中使用了大量陈腐的套话。3. it is sprinkling American EnglishHEM if it is sprinkling, it is raining lightly 下着小雨→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussprinkle• Spoon a quarter of the peppers into the middle of each pastry round, sprinkle a little marjoram on top and season.• Reagan sprinkled his conversations with phrases from famous Americans.• Sprinkle the cheese over the beans.• Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and herbs.• Set a cup of water on the top shelf or sprinkle the newspapers lightly with water.• Its hedged fields are sprinkled with oak trees, and apple orchards and half-timbered houses abound.• But ironically, each team is sprinkled with players poached from the other.• Sure enough, it was sprinkled with several dozen small white specks.• Their actions, setting and dialogue are sprinkled with touchstones of gay life.sprinkle something on/over something• He had sprinkled rose petals on the bed.Related topics: Meteorologysprinkle2 noun [singular]  1  LITTLE/NOT MUCHa small amount of something, especially scattered on top of something 少量,一点〔尤指撒在某地方的某物〕 SYN sprinklingsprinkle of Add a sprinkle of salt. 加入少量的盐。2. American EnglishHEM a light rain 小雨 SYN drizzleExamples from the Corpussprinkle• Add a sprinkle of coconut.• When he ran his hand over it, a sprinkle of grit fell to the floor.• chocolate sprinkles• Add other ingredients, except sprinkles, and combine well.Origin sprinkle1 (1300-1400) Perhaps from Middle Dutch sprenkelensprin·kle1 verbsprinkle2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus of drops scatter liquid to small




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