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单词 spiritual
释义  Related topics: Religionspir·i·tu·al1 /ˈspɪrətʃuəl/ ●●○ W3 adjective  1  RRrelating to your spirit rather than to your body or mind 精神的,心灵的 Painting helps fill a spiritual need for beauty. 绘画可以满足对美的精神需求。 spiritual values 精神价值► see thesaurus at religious2  RRRELIGIONrelating to religion 宗教的 SYN religious Islam was inspired by the teachings of the spiritual leader Mohammed. 伊斯兰教是受宗教领袖穆罕默德的教义影响产生的。3. somebody’s spiritual home HOMEa place where you feel you belong because you share the ideas and attitudes of that society 某人的精神家园,某人的精神归宿〔指一个自己能认同其思想和态度的地方〕 —spiritually adverbExamples from the Corpusspiritual• But the spiritual agents were not restricted only to people to do their work.• This mapping is spiritual, but also practical, for people need to know the patterns of nature.• She came seeking spiritual guidance.• The last sacrament represents the final step in Christ's spiritual journey.• Just think: The Raiders might be able to get the chemistry-destroying, morale-busting George straight-up for their spiritual leader Hoss.• the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people• The decision was made by the spiritual leaders of the tribe.• Both sport and the spiritual life grow out of our human urge to express the richness of existence.• In the 13th century Jalaludin Rumi wrote poetry about his spiritual life.• He worked to prevent the Jesuits from acquiring land and influence, though he supported their spiritual ministry to the Catholic settlers.• Both were seen as sources of disease, bodily or spiritual, moral corruptions which were spreading throughout the land.• Just as the emotional needs of the mentally disabled are overlooked, so too are their spiritual needs.• That is not historic or accurate but it has power, unbelievable spiritual power for Christians.• Modernist artists increasingly transgressed boundaries and borders in what appears to have been an intellectual, physical and spiritual restlessness.Related topics: Musicspiritual2 noun [countable]  APMa religious song of the type sung originally by African-Americans 灵歌〔一种原为美国黑人唱的宗教歌曲〕Examples from the Corpusspiritual• Or the Morgan State University Choir singing spirituals?• Believe it or not, he only had two or three songs he knew other than spirituals.• If the personal is the spiritual, the spiritual is also the political.• The spirituals ask no pity-for their words ride on the strongest of melodies, the melody of faith.spir·i·tu·al1 adjectivespiritual2 nounChineseSyllable  to your rather Corpus spirit than relating to




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